Chapter 2: Unpacking

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After I got done cleaning up my house, I started to move boxes and put them in the rooms that they would be going in.

I started with my kitchen and put the dishes in the cabinets and my coffee maker and pots and pans and bakeware where I wanted except my coffee maker, I left it on the counter and plugged it in the outlet where I wanted my coffee maker to be.

As I am organizing my kitchen, I hear a knock on the door and I look in the peep hole and see two figures and when I notice that it was Liam and Niall, I open my door and pull them both into a hug because I miss them so much.

" Hey, Louis; how are you? " I ask my friend Louis wondering how he was because we haven't really been in any contact with each other since One Direction broke up and started working on their own music.

" Hey, Liam; how are you doing? " I ask Liam, wanting to know how he was doing and catching up with each other after breaking the hug.

" I'm doing better, I have officially stopped drinking and have been sober for a little over a month. I had been in the hospital twice because I was having some health issues, but I am doing better. " I say to Louis giving him an update.

" Liam, I am glad that you are doing better; have you talked to Harry lately and maybe Zayn? " I ask wanting to know how they were both doing. After what happened between Harry and I with all of the Larry Stylinson talk from a number of Directors our friendship ended.

My mother Johanna's dying wish was for me to " fucking" make up with Zayn, those were her exact words.

" Well, Harry is doing very well, and He is married to Nichelle and she is pregnant with their first child. They are having a baby girl and her due date is January 9th of next year, I think that she is 35 maybe 38 months pregnant but I'm not sure, he just got over Covid. "

He'll be joining us soon but first he has to put some comfy clothes on and make sure Nichelle is okay, he was painting the nursery and ran some errands; he is a bit on edge because Nichelle is almost full term in her pregnancy and Stacy could come any day now and so he may be a bit tense." I say to my friend Louis giving him an update on Harry. 

" Wait, Harry got married and is about to have his first kid? " I ask Liam feeling kind of shocked and a little sad because Harry didn't tell me that he got married and had a kid. 

Sometimes I wish that the Directioners who wouldn't stop with the Larry Stylison talk did so because if it weren't for them Harry and I would still have been friends today. 

" Hey, Louis; how have you been? " I ask my friend Louis realizing that I hadn't talked to him as well and wanting to catch up with him also.

" I'm doing okay, Niall but I am still having a very difficult time realizing that my mum and sister Fizzy aren't here on this earth anymore because of their passing. I say to my friend Niall letting him know how I was doing; the holidays are difficult for me because my mum loved the holidays you know because she loved it when the whole family would get together for the holidays.

" I understand Louis, that it's hard for you but sometimes you have to you know keep going and cherish the moments you had with your mum and your sister, they both would want you to keep going and hold them both close to your heart and remember the great times you had with them and that is where you will find comfort and remember you have friends and family that will help you through the grieving process. " I say to my friend Louis pulling him into a hug before asking him which room I could help organize.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13 ⏰

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