II. The Gift

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VIKRAM BATEY WAS A BUSINESSMAN FIRST AND FOREMOST. He wasn’t liked by most. But that just gave him the edge in his book. Shady deals went unnoticed. The likelihood of someone ratting him out to the authorities was few and far between.

“Last night was interesting.”

Vikram closed his playbook, as he gave a grim smile to Charles Lafferty, an estate owner of several properties in town, including The Gray Hare Tavern.

A businessman himself, Charles Lafferty, knew a certain decorum was needed when dealing with men like Vikram Batey—if he wanted to get his fair share—being the least of his concern. And to continue this unlikely pairing but lucrative arrangement they had established.

Taking out an expensive cigar from the inside pocket of his suit coat. Charles usually didn’t care for such frivolous calculations of his wealth in person. But being a man of numbers Charles would bet Vikram had put a price tag on everything he wore today, most likely getting it right down to the very last ken. But it was just simple knowledge of the trade. Business. Knowing who you were in business with.

Their differences in style of business apparent. Vikram an outlaw, content to do things his own way—no matter who opposed him.

Charles had lit his cigar, while Vikram had chosen a bottle of whiskey from his liquor cabinet. A long table to the left of his desk that held an assortment of spirits, good enough, to get the job done. Not bothering with a glass unscrewing the lid when Charles spoke.

“So? How much?” Charles blew a casual ring of smoke as he finally asked the question of the morning. “How much did she make you?”

Vikram had sat down, propping his muddy boots up on his desk, in clear view of Charles, taking a healthy swig of his poison before he answered.

"Not enough."


Charles already knew the sum. The most ever made at the Hare. One of the reason Charles, a usually “right by the law" businessman, had started to partake in these illegal fights. Suspecting the reason Vikram was playing his cards close, Vikram had found a gold mine. In his chosen field of acquisition. He had acquired a treasure. A gift. In certain circles, a priceless jewel. But that hardly applied to a man like Vikram Batey.

“Still not going to tell me where you found her?” Charles asked.

Vikram pulled out his pack of smokes from his front pocket, patting the pack-bottom taking out a long slim. He finally took a drag before he answered.

“Who says I did?”

“Come now friend you do not expect me to believe she was given to you.” Charles hedged again.

Charles snuffed out his cigar. Leaving it in the ashtray.

Vikram finished his cigarette. No words said. But what wasn’t said was just as important. Vikram was telling the truth. Though Charles gathered the very details of the exchange murky at best.

“Well I applaud you, friend, given the risk your taking every day with her. I imagine others would’ve—”

Vikram interrupted setting a hard glass in front of Charles, before pouring the liquor in.

“Killed her?” he guessed. “She isn’t easy to kill as you know. And I think in this specific case the whole is more beneficial than its parts. At least for now.”

Charles took a sip of the cheap liquor. Savoring the sour taste, biding his time, while he swirled the remains in the glass needing to know the answer to his question.

“That still doesn’t explain how you’re keeping her with you. Not to mention appeased willing to do your bidding.”

Vikram opened his desk drawer. Taking out the cigar box of cash, a portion of his winnings, 82,000 ken, tossing it atop the desk in front of Charles.

“Your share.” He finally told him.

Charles knew when he was dismissed. Not that he could blame Vikram for being a cautious businessman.

“Right. Well to Vikram the brave.” Charles toasted, before finishing the last of his glass. Standing up slipping the box in his coat, while tipping his imaginary hat. “I’ll call you when the next stage is set. I look forward to doing business with you.”

He left a silent Vikram. Vikram Batey could keep his secrets. Charles had other ways of finding out the truth.

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