Chapter one: meet

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Charlie was on his way to the great hall to study quickly before his potions test, when he felt something hit his back. He turned around but saw no one there. Charlie was very sure he felt something hit his back. He looked around and made sure he didn't miss anything. As he looked around, Charlie saw a small piece of paper. Aha! He knew that he got hit with something. He picked it up and opened the yellowish ripped paper and read, "Meet me in the library in ten?" Charlie looked around again, seeing none of his peers.

He looked at the clock, "Six thirty," he read, outloud. 'Thirty minutes before breakfast' he thought. He ran up the stairs, down the hall, turned right, and went to the library.

"Just in time," Charlie panted, realizing he ran up four flights of very long stairs.

He stood up, checked his hair carefully, and went to the middle of the library. It was filled with books to the brim. Magic, fantasy, history, science, charms, and any topic you can imagine. He walked through several book cases, admiring them, before finding Ben in their usual spot.

"Glad you came," Ben said, grinning and signaling Charlie to kiss him.

"Well I," Charlie got cut off. Ben grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a semi-forced kiss. Charlie gasped but took in the semi-forced kiss. He didn't expect the kiss.

Ben pulled away from Charlie and turned around, his face still being visible but barely, as he wiped his mouth with his hand. Charlie was left in the library alone. He sighed and walked out.

"Six fifty," he read outloud. Charlie was going to be late for breakfast if he didn't move faster. He picked up his belongings and walked out the maroon door that had a number five on it. Charlie was speed walking down the stairs, he turned right, and down the hall. He went straight into the great hall. 'Just in time,' he thought as he sighed, looking at all the people lined up. He grabbed a tray and lined up behind a person. The food appeared as the clock struck seven. The first year muggleborns gasped and those who were in the line looked at the food with a hungry intent.

"Hey Charlie, you came here later than usual," Tao questioned. He appeared behind Charlie with a tray as well.

"Ha, yeah. I was a bit busy, uh, studying," Charlie responded nervously. He was fidgeting with his fingers. He glanced over Tao's shoulder, seeing Isaac sitting and reading a book in the corner part of the table. "What's Isaac reading?" he questioned Tao.

"Some book about romance. Not sure what it's about though," Tao rolled his eyes.

Charlie and Tao picking things from around the table for breakfast. Most of the good food was gone. Charlie picked up a cornflake cereal box and a milk bottle. Tao picked up pancakes with blueberries, strawberries, and golden glazed syrup. He also got some apple juice and milk. Tao and Charlie got their food items and went to sit down next to Isaac.

"Here," Tao said, placing the apple juice in front of Elle and sitting down next to her.

"Oh! Thanks Tao," Elle responded with a smile. "You didn't have to buy this for me," she smiled more.

"Well, it's the juice you like and I thought that you would enjoy it with your breakfast," Tao smiled back at Elle. "Just realized, the food is always better during the sorting, i bet we're going back to dry ham and unsalted mash potatoes tonight."

"Maybe to impress the first years?" Charlie added.

"Ugh, I'm fed up. Slughorn is still refusing to call me Elle. It's infuriating, no matter what I tell him. The worst of it is that he calls me boy, he's always telling me boy do this, boy open your book. It's like he does it on purpose!" Elle said angrily, changing the topic. It was clear that she didn't like the professor.

"The professors shouldn't use the wrong pronouns, that's just wrong. Will he like it if I called him a she instead of a he?" Tao said very annoyedly. He softly slammed the table.

Charlie listened to Elle and Tao. He knew Tao would be very angry as well. Charlie was about to respond when a second year ravenclaw piped up next to him.

"Slughorns an ass, not to be eavesdropping but what are you doing at the ravenclaw table, slytherin?" the ravenclaw said, sounding curious.

Charlie turned to the ravenclaw boy standing next to him and spoke, "Oh, these ravenclaws have been my friends since year one, so I sit with them all the time. What's it to you?" he questioned.

"Oh. I didn't know that was allowed." The ravenclaw boy got up with a smile and went to the hufflepuff table where he greeted a friend with the interesting news.

"Well they were nice," Isaac commented, still reading his romance book.

"Yeah, they were okay," Charlie responded to Isaac, looking at him.

The bell rang and it was time for the first class of the day. Isaac already left for class five minutes earlier. Tao and Elle were saying their goodbyes and Charlie was waiting for Tao.

"Lets go Tao," Charlie said and waited impatiently.

Tao apologized to Elle and went to walk Charlie to his potions class. The potions class was close to the great hall.

"This is your stop, Charlie. Be careful, don't let anyone be mean to you. I don't want a re-creation of last year, so be careful," Tao said worriedly.

"I will Tao, do well in your class," Charlie smiled and left for the potions classroom.

Charlie went inside the potions classroom, taking the seat he had last year. He greeted the gryffindor he sat next to, who ignored him the way dumb gryffindors tend to do to ignore nice slytherins. It breaks their perception of slytherins, so the gryffindors ignore them.

Snape walked in and stepped to the front, "I want it to be known that there will be no goofing around this year, so i've decided to move your seats. If you've made any friends, be prepared to say goodbye, except no talking," the greasy haired man said in his scratchy mean voice.

Charlie wasn't upset in the slightest. Honestly, whether it was a slytherin or a gryffindor he probably would have been dealt a bad card. Maybe he was stereotyping, though for certain people it was true.

He didn't pay attention till his name was called "Mr. Spring, you're next to Mr. Nelson," Snape said, eyeing Nick Nelson. Snape didn't like Nick, with his loud gryffindor friends.

Charlie got up with his belongings and sat next to Nick. "Hi," he greeted Nick, a bit timidly.

"Hi," Nick replied. "Sorry if there's any group project this year, I'm absolutely shit when it comes to potions," Nick smiled and chuckled a bit.

"That's fine,'' Charlie wasn't sure how to respond. "Well I can help you, if you need it," Charlie smiled back at Nick, it was at this moment he took in his features. Blond hair, a handsome face with kind blue eyes. Charlie had seen him around school, mostly in gryffindor quidditch games.

"Silence! We will begin our review. I've been so kind to let this class take the test tomorrow," Snape spoke with a low toned growl.

The class was silent. Nick sighed and grabbed his cauldron, ingredients, and wand. Charlie grabbed his cauldron and ingredients, he was ready to ace this review, whilst Nick was not. Everyone else already had their cauldrons and ingredients.

"This is just terrific," Nick mumbled sarcastically

"I know right? Just the best," Charlie replied, taking down notes on his parchment. Just because he was extremely good at potions and enjoyed it, didn't mean he liked the class. Most likely because of Professor Snape.

Nick smiled and looked down, shaking his head while stifling a laugh and taking notes.

Nothing notable happened, but it was that day Nick and Charlie became friends.

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