Chapter three: crush

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  The next potions class went on by as usual, despite the glances, Charlie kept sending Nick's way. Nick caught Charlie once but thought nothing of it.

Nick tapped Charlie's shoulder, "Hey, could you help me with this?" he looked at Charlie with a stressed face, "I really dont get why this won't work. In theory, it's easy just to follow the instructions but I can't get the color right," He had been asking lots of questions as an excuse to talk to Charlie.

"Did you stir anticlockwise for thirty seconds? Did you also make sure the root is completely crushed?" Charlie knew it was usually the little things that ruined nicks potians

"I thought it said three seconds," Nick said with an embarrassed tone. He chuckled it off.

"At least you didn't over stir!" Charlie reassured Nick, patting his back. Charlie started giggling and spoke, "One time I fell asleep and kept stirring. When I woke up, what was supposed to look like murky water to drain the ingredients out of was a brown sludge so thick I could no longer mix it."

"That's, uh, wow," Nick looked forward at Charlie, smiling.

"Don't ask me," Charlie shrugged and went back to his potion, "I meant about the falling asleep and still stirring, if you have more questions, you can ask away," Charlie quickly and nervously added.

"I will, thanks" Nick nodded. "Hey uhh, do you,"

Before while Nick spoke Charlie's mind imagined Nick finishing the sentence with, "Want to go out with me?" but was semi disappointed when Nick actually finished.

"Want to hang out with me after my quidditch practice?" Nick asked, then quickly added "I might invite some of the guys, uhh you can invite your friends too," He wasn't sure why the thought of being alone with charlie made him nervous but it did.

"Sure! I can bring Tao and Elle. Issac wouldn't like that sort of thing," Charlie had mentioned each friend at least once to Nick so he understood who Charlie was talking about.

"Yeah," Nick looked down, "cool, cool." He twiddled his thumbs and nodded. He couldn't shake the thought of being alone with Charlie.

"I hope your quidditch practice goes well," Charlie spoke with a smile, "I can stay and watch if you want as well."

"That sounds, uhh, great actually!" Nick smiled brightly. He looked over to Charlie, whose face was turning slightly pink.

Charlie smiled and started fidgeting with this wand, rolling it back and forth slightly. He was trying to cover up the fact he was turning red over something Nick said. 'Quit turning red Charlie,' he thought as he looked over to Nick, who was staring at him with a soft smile.

"We have to finish this stupid potion, or else snape will start yelling at us," Nick giggled a bit and smiled more.

"Haha, yeah, I'll help you out," Charlie smiled as well and watched Nick as he stirred the cauldron wrong again. "Nick," he giggled, "you're stirring it wrong again. Here, I'll help you out," he softly held onto Nick's hand, helping Nick stir the cauldron correctly, "that's how you do it correctly."

"Oh, haha," Nick smiled lightly and he was suddenly extremely aware of all his own and Charlie's movements. He wanted the moment to last forever and end immediately at the same time. He felt a rush of feelings, it was very confusing for Nick. Charlie let go softly and continued on with his potion.

The bell rang and it was time for them to go their separate ways. Charlie started picking up and packing up, Nick was struggling to pour the potion in the bottle.

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