I | A New King

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(A Story based off of @DaikijuKaizer book Kaiju Girls: Rise of a king but it will be different the Authors version.)

Godzilla Rex Woke Up after killing Megalon and noticed that he wasn't on his own world anymore as he growled to himself as he got up and noticed that he was human now. It confused him but he noticed that he was near Tokyo as flames and explosions were heard in the distance, Godzilla growled in anger before marching towards Tokyo and Gave the Biggest roar ever given from a Kaiju

In Tokyo G-Force was dealing with gigan and Megalon that was until everyone heard a Loud Roar which was different then Gojira's roar as the Two Alien Kaiju turned to see a Male Gojira come right them with a Piss off face. As Godzilla's arm glowed blue before he punched Megalon hard in the Chest sending her flying into several buildings before Gigan tired to cut into Godzilla's skin which did nothing but make Godzilla angry as he picked her up and threw where Megalon was a massive explosion followed shortly after as Godzilla Rex waited until they got back up. Once Gigan and Megalon got up, they turned to face the new Gojira kaiju as Godzilla back flashed a bright Blue color and both Gigan and Megalon knew was coming next gigan jump in time out of the blast, but Megalon wasn't so lucky as the Atomic Breath struck Megalon sending her flying through the air like a sack of potatoes before she crashed into the ocean beach side. With Gigan she turned to see Godzilla giving the death stare as she decided to screw this and picks up Megalon and flys off up into the atmosphere.

Once they were gone Godzilla Rex turned to see the Female version of himself and growled as she looked piss as Anguirus and Rodan also arrived and thought that this "false" Gojira was causing the problem and decided to fight Godzilla Rex.

Godzilla growled loudly as G-Force noticed something strange as Godzilla stepped in front of the G-Force military vehicles and equipment as Godzilla Rex Roared at the Other kajiu girls as his back Flashed in a intimidation display tactic which clearly worked as Anguirus backed up as fear appeared on her face as Rodan took off from the ground and Gojira charged in. Godzilla prepared himself as he turned and smacked Rodan out of the Sky and hit Gojira as well hitting two birds with one stone as rodan disappeared over the nearby hills out of the city. Gojira went into rage mode as her eyes glowed bright red before she punched Godzilla into several buildings before a massive explosion followed after.

Gojira angrily growled before something moved and her fighter walked out of the debris and a bright white glow from Godzilla's chest and Dorsal plates all the way down to the tail. Gojira looked surprised reminding her of her mother back in 1954, as the Flames in the background gave a 1954 feeling as Godzilla's mouth opened and Two sets of Teeth shook itself and a Powerful White Atomic Breath shoot out of Godzilla's mouth and sent Gojira flying out of the city and hit the Ocean with 500 G's causing a massive explosion of Ocean and a huge water column shot into the sky.

With Godzilla's enemies defeated but not dead thankfully he roared into the Heavenly skies in victory before he turned and left the city with minimal damage and Casualties compared to the other kajius, and proceeded to head to the sea and disappeared underneath the waves.

(2022-2023 Gemstone & Toho Godzilla Rex fanart)

(2022-2023 Gemstone & Toho Godzilla Rex fanart)

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ゴジラ: New Era (Godzilla Rex x Kajiu Girls) Where stories live. Discover now