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"I'm running out of clothes."

Moon muttered, staring at the worn out clothes she had to re-wear multiple times, given her financial situation. The orphanage gave her enough to survive, but it was tough for her to have a comfortable amount of savings— not that she particularly planned for the future. Wondering what is there left for her to do on this Polar Tang, she stared at the ceiling, still assigned to the storeroom with a sleeping bag.

"Moon. You there?"

Hearing some gentle knocks on the door, she assumed it to be Ikkaku, since she was the only one brave and polite enough to knock. Plastering a grin onto her face, Moon opened the door to see Ikkaku scratching the back of her head.


"Well, I thought it might be uncomfortable for you to be here. If you don't mind, do you want to share a room with me?"

That was too sweet. Moon clutched onto her fist, not wanting to get too comfortable on this submarine. However, Ikkaku did look like she could use some female company, even if it meant a few days.

"I mean, I will be good anywhere, but staying with you sounds fun..."

"Sure sure! Follow me."

Grabbing onto Moon's arm, Ikkaku led her to her room, the Polar Tang echoing their giggles. Law overheard the unfamiliar sound of female giggling, and he glanced over from reading the newspapers. Everyone is getting too used to her. I've got to think for the future now, he thought.  To think of a way to combine their worlds together. Meanwhile, the two ladies were in her small room, and Moon settled down, excited to be accepted by their crew.

"So... Ikkaku, was the rubber band yours?"

"Oh that? Actually, no. I mean, a lot of us have long hair so it's not surprising. He hates having things lying around though, I'm surprised no one was scolded."

Chuckling at the image of Law being pouty and claiming the rubber band from Moon, the girls habitually touched their hair.

"By the way Ikkaku, your hair is so beautiful."

"No way! Look at yours."

"Hahaha, the one thing I can sort of say is nice about me."

"Pretty girls are the most annoying."

Rolling her eyes, Ikkaku jokingly gave Moon a gentle smack on the shoulder, as Moon acted all cocky for a moment before returning the praises. The first moment Moon saw Ikkaku, she was shocked that the crew could function with only one girl, a pretty one at that. Ikkaku blushed after hearing that, shrugging.

"We're all like family. There's no way romance will bloom between us."

"I see... Well, no one you fancy too? You have many choices."

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