Ch 1: The Garden Center

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February, 2014.

Destination: Garden Center

Team Pod-5 have a mission, to patrol the area in search of zombies. They are on their way to the Garden Center with the flying pick-up truck.

Carly: "So, why are we going there again?"

Green: "The previous team that patrolled Garden Center have reported zombies in that area."

Sunny: "And Dave sent us there to look for them."

Munchy: "RAWRA!" {"I'm excited!"}

C: "This should be easy then. Find them, vanquish them, and clear the area."

G: "It may not be easy though. These zombies can trick us."

M: "Raw raw?" {"Like that one team who almost got stuck on concrete?"}

S: ". . . Weeee shouldn't be talking about that. Plus, let's hope we don't get tricked."

Pilot from the intercom

*"Team Pod-5. Team Pod-5. We've arrived at the Garden Center. I repeat, we've arrived at the Garden Center"*

G: "Alright, team. Let's move out!"

Now, the plants gets off of the truck while its in the sky, not far from the ground, and landed on top of the roof of the Seed Market. As everyone waited for Green's orders, the truck had disappeared.

M: *sniffs* "GRRrrrrr. ." {"I don't smell zombies."}

C: "We'll find them, Munchy."

G: "I say we plant the garden on this roof. Sunny?"

S: "I'm already on it."

Sunny has the supplies for building the garden tower in her large bag. She takes out a couple of fertilizer filled bags, and stacked them like a tower. And finally, she takes out a flower faced scare crow and places on top of the stacked fertilizer bags. Making sure it doesn't collapse, the garden tower is done.

S: "All done!"

C: "Does anyone know when are we going back to the base?"

G: "After noon, around 2 p.m."

M: "Raw?" {"Should we look for the zombies"}

G: "Right. We split up. Carly, you will search on the right side of the Garden Center with Munchy. Sunny and I will search on the left side."

C: "Alright captain. C'mon, Munchy. Let's start at the Shopping Center."

S: "So, to the Garden Park?"

G: "Agreed."

The team had split up, searching signs of zombies. Green and Sunny are walking on the Main Street, patrolling, and a bit of a chat.

S: "Hmm, do you have any idea why the zombies are in this place? I mean, its strange that its empty here, and almost no plants are in this place for something."

G: "I don't know, Sunny. Maybe they are here to have space I think."

S: "Also, I still think of why these zombies went across other regions. Sure, Dr. Zomboss secretly send them just for brains, but isn't there another reason?"

G: "I think we can worry about that later."

S: "Right, sorry Green. I'm just nervous of what happens next. Especially for everyone else. And you."

Plants vs. Zombies - Garden Warfare Rise Of The DoomWhere stories live. Discover now