Ch.1.5 Rise Of The Doom

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Time: 1p.m.

G: "Munchy, how many zombies left to fight?"

M: "Raaa" {"Few more left."}

G: "I guess the ladies made it."

M: "Ra?" {"What about him?"}

Green & Munchy faced the special zombie, who was talking on the zalkie-talkie (made from Z-Tech) while the zombies were busy. He notices the plants and ends the call.

 G: "Munchy, I'll distract that soldier zombie. You finish the zombies and then finish him."

M: "Ra" {"Got it"}

Munchy immediately digs underground and heads to a swarm of zombies. Green is now face to face against the soldier zombie. The zombie is ready to strike. He quickly pulls out his rifle and starts to fire. Green was ready for it and avoided the bullets. While that, he shoots his green peas at the soldier. The soldier stopped shooting and moved. His reflexes are okay, but he avoids most of it. The zombie pulls out a grenade and opens it. Purple gas starts pouring out of the grenade, and he throws it at the peashooter.

G: "Not this time."

Green aims and shoots one pea at the flying grenade and it explodes in the air. The gas hadn't affected the peashooter, but the soldier zombie had disappeared. Green looked around, feeling ready for what's coming next. He then notices a shadow moving in front of the floor he is facing. He looks behind, and sees the zombie on top of the truck. The soldier zombie bows toward the plant, and an explosion happens on top of his rocket launcher, causing him to roll back. Green moves aside, but it's too late. The rocket hits the peashooter. Green knocks back, hits the wall, and falls face first.

Green can hear his heart and his brain pumping. His spine stings, and his head feels heavy. He pushes himself up a bit, his vision blurred. A figure slowly approaches him. He took a second to realize it's the soldier zombie. He's going to finish him.

G: {weakly} "no. . ."

The soldier zombie points his rifle at the weak peashooter. Just as about to pull the trigger, the zombie launched up. He screamed and waved his arms around. Below him, Munchy shot up and opened his large mouth wide enough to swallow a zombie.

G: {weakly} "yes!"

A soldier zombie about to fall to his death. This is it, the chomper will finish him just as Green ordered him. However, Green sees another figure from far away.

G: (Is it a plant? No, the figure is larger. Is it a zombie? It did not look like the browncoats.)

Green sees the color red on the figure.

G: (Wait, that's an All Star! He's going to get Munchy!)

Green was too late to warn Munchy, and the all star zombie tackled him. Munchy rolled to the ground. The soldier zombie lands flat. Munchy stands up and growls at the zombies. Green stands up, his one arm limp, and positions beside him. He was focused on the all star zombie. The zombie looked a bit taller, and he also had a football minigun.

M: "Ra?" {"You okay?"}

G: "Yeah. Only my arm, but it'll heal."

M: "Raarra" {"Looks like he has company."}

G: "The all star is the big problem now."

M: "rrrrrrr" {"Uhhhh, the zombies."}

Behind the two zombies, a wave of browncoats are approaching.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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