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Jamie's heart sank as she stared at her phone, the calendar date reminding her of the painful occasion: Lucy's birthday. Overwhelmed by sadness, she decided to switch off her phone and sought solace in a box that held a treasured teapot. Cradling the teapot in her hands, she breathed in its familiarity, finding comfort in its presence.

As Jackie entered the room, Jamie sensed her avoiding eye contact. With concern in her voice, Jamie asked, "Hey, how are you feeling this morning?"

"Fine," Jackie replied bluntly before abruptly leaving, leaving Jamie feeling even more desolate.

Resolute in her decision to honor her sister, Jamie carried the teapot downstairs, determined to make herself some tea. Greeted by Katherine in the kitchen, she mustered a smile and said, "Morning."

Returning the greeting, Katherine said, "Morning, Jamie. Oh, I got you some more tea bags. They're in the cabinet next to the coffee beans."

"Thank you," Jamie responded gratefully, reaching for the tea bags.

Their conversation was interrupted by Danny, announcing his plans for the day. "Hey, mom. I have Drama Club after school today, and then we're gonna go to Monty's. So I'm gonna miss dinner, okay?"

Understanding, Katherine replied, "Okay, honey."

Adding to the unexpected changes, Cole chimed in, "Yeah, I'm working late at Tony's, so, uh, I'm gonna miss dinner as well."

Surprised, Katherine inquired, "Wait, really?"

"Yeah, he's been really busy," Cole explained, but his words were abruptly halted when Parker accidentally knocked Jamie's teapot into the sink, shattering it into pieces. Witnessing the sight, tears welled up in Jamie's eyes.

"Parker, be careful!" Katherine shouted, her voice filled with concern.

"It was an accident!" Parker retorted before storming off.

Feeling apologetic, Katherine glanced at the shattered teapot in the sink. "Oh god. I'm so sorry," she said.

Fighting the tears that threatened to spill, Jamie reassured her, "It's okay." Quickly composing herself, she turned away from the sink and noticed everyone's curious gazes fixed on her.

Realizing the need to redirect the attention, Katherine spoke up, "Okay, everybody, we need to be outside in 15 minutes, so let's go."

Relieved, her words shifted the focus away from Jamie. "Sweetie, I just... I feel terrible-" Katherine began, longing to express her remorse.

Cutting her off gently, Jamie replied, her voice breaking, "It's fine." With that, she hurriedly left the room, making her way upstairs to gather her thoughts and regain composure.


Jamie sat in the bathroom, clutching a picture of her and Lucy, feeling a profound ache for her sister.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and voices filtered in.

"You're really going without me?" a girl's voice pleaded.

"Sorry. You weren't invited. But Dylan is looking extra tasty today, and I'm looking equally as hot, so it's Darwinism," another voice responded, causing Jamie to roll her eyes.

"I really need somebody new to flirt with," the first voice sighed.

"Except that Jamie girl is like cornering the market on all the available boys, as well as her sister," the second voice observed, mentioning Jamie's name.

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