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"How was it in the Walter house this morning?" Maddy's voice cut through the monotony of the classroom as she took a seat beside Jamie, a trace of curiosity in her tone.

Jamie's eyes darted around the room, wary of prying ears, before she leaned closer to Maddy, her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know. I avoided everyone," she admitted reluctantly, a hint of apprehension tainting her words.

Maddy's eyes widened, her curiosity piqued further. "I still can't believe Alex punched Cole," she exclaimed, her voice full of disbelief. "Do you know why? There's a bunch of theories going round."

Jamie's mind raced, her thoughts grappling with the truth she had stumbled upon. She hesitated for a moment, grappling with the weight of revealing a secret. "I don't know, but I think I have a pretty good idea," she finally confessed, her voice heavy with implication.

Maddy leaned in even closer, her eagerness palpable. "Spill then," she urged, desire for the truth burning in her eyes.

With a deep breath, Jamie mustered the courage to confide in her friend. "Cole saw me and Alex kiss, and he wasn't too happy about it," she revealed, her voice filled with a mixture of regret and vulnerability. She locked eyes with Maddy, letting the weight of her confession settle between them.

Maddy's mouth fell open in a mixture of shock and surprise. "Wait, seriously?" she exclaimed, struggling to process the unexpected revelation. Jamie simply nodded.


Jamie leaned against her locker, engrossed in conversation with Maddy, their voices drowned out by the laughter and whispers of the students surrounding them. In the midst of the buzzing crowd, Alex approached the two girls, his presence commanding their attention.

"What was that about?" Alex's voice carried a mix of curiosity and concern, his eyes searching theirs for answers.

Maddy hesitated, pulling away from the unfolding drama. "I'm staying out of this," she declared, her tone firm, refusing to be drawn into the turmoil.

Alex's gaze hardened, his determination evident. "Maddy," he spoke with a stern edge, his voice a plea for her support.

"Okay, there's a rumor going around," Maddy finally acquiesced, her voice laced with reluctant obligation. "When you saw Cole and Paige together, you ran off... crying. Like a baby," she revealed, her words hanging heavy in the air.

A mixture of shock and disbelief washed over Alex's face. "Seriously?" he questioned, betrayed by the malicious whispers that had tainted his reputation.

"Mm-hmm," Maddy replied, her voice laced with a hint of cruelty. "The exact words were 'like a little bitch,' but you know," she continued, the truth prickling like thorns.

Anger ignited within Alex's chest, fury coursing through his veins. "That's not true at all. Who said that? Paige? Cole?" he demanded, his desperation for the truth fueling his words.

Maddy shrugged, her indifference infuriating Alex further. "I don't know. Maybe Cole's retaliating because you punched him. Or maybe he's upset about you kissing Jamie, 'cause I heard he wasn't happy about it," she retorted coldly, her disregard for the consequences of her words evident.

"Dude," Jamie interjected, her voice trembling with a mixture of concern and caution.

"Or maybe I should just shut up 'cause I'm making things worse. You know what? I'll do some digging. Okay? I'll try and find out what happened. And in the meantime, what you need is something else for everyone to talk about. Okay? Leave it with me. Don't worry." Maddy says walking away.

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