6)"I can represent myself"

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Let's begin......

"Rohan likes me" Ragini told Sanskar suddenly while he was ready to sleep.
He turns towards her shocked.
"I think." She continued while still looking at the ceiling.

He was clueless of what to reply.
"What do I do Sanskar?" She asked him in much polite way since she call his full name once in a while when she is in trouble of mind.
"Did he tell you this?"he asked her in return.
"Then how come you came to the conclusion"
"Someone else told me"she replied.
he left out a breath."did you question him regarding this"

Ragini :yup and I told him.
"Told him what?"
Ragini:told him I wish this is false.
He literally ended up smiling:you handled it then why are you telling me all of this?
Ragini : I can't hide it!
He just looks on. She definitely taught him something.
Something was definitely off with him.

While on the other side..

Rohan: yuvi...what should I do?
Yuvi:I really don't know yaar. Probably she is just shocked.
Karan: since it's unexpected. And who knows how nikhil used words with her. He could instigate against you. So can't say anything.
Yuvi: I think you should have clear conversation with her. So she understands you. It's better if you confess to her in proper way.
Rohan: I think you are right.
Karan: Ragini is one such girl that she would have never dated or fell in love with someone. I don't think she would have crush on someone. So yeah, suddenly she knows through someone that you love her then it's normal. In fact she could have reacted worse but still handled in mature way. Now it's upon you to make her fall in love with you.
Rohan smiles. Just with confessing thing he is too happy and excited as well nervous. But what will happen to him if she accepted his proposal.


Aditi:hey Sanskar..
Sanskar who just stepped out of his car looked at her surprisingly. Two stuffs just ran in his mind.
Aditi smacks her fingers.
Sanskar:yeah..hey hai.
Aditi: where were you lost?
Sanskar:no where..say you here..
Aditi:why? can't I come to meet you ..?
Sanskar just did not reply but looks at her the way she was so casual with him these days. Just 2 days back she met him.
Aditi:I just wanted to relive our old friends..oh this busy days that we could not even plan a small dinner party together.
After their breakup they did not even see each other for years.
It ain't something to worry but still he got such a thought that why she is acting so cool with him.
Her breakup with abhimanyu was none of his business.but Ragini's thoughts was..now he could really understand Ragini.

Aditi:Again you are lost.
She literally smacked her fingers
Sanskar:yeah.. let's move inside.
Aditi smiles widely.

On the other side...
Ragini was reaing a book when Yuvraj sits beside her.
Ragini looks at him and smiles clutching her book.she continued reading.
Yuvraj:Ragini .. it's been quite a long time now.you did not tell any of us about yourself.yeah you did..but just that your parents brother and sister.
Ragini continued looking at the book but she was nervous somewhat:say ..
Ragini:like what else?
Yuvi:dreams,goals,passion and relationships.
Ragini:all 3 I am not sure about and the last I am particularly not interested.
While Roan looks on who was arguing with kirthi about a lame thing
Kirthi:good Ragini..stay single stay happy.these jerks definitely don't deserve us.
Yuvi:hey..why are you taking out Rohan's anger on me.
Kirthi:because you deserve it.
Rohan wanted her to respond to his feelings.definitely he can't have the damn patience until she accept him.he definitely needed a shortcut.what should he do?!!

Here Aditi sips coffee: it's been long time that we are on cafe together.
Sanskar smiles a bit.he was actually uncomfortable because of her sudden change these days that she is being friendly with him.
He did not touch his coffee ...
Aditi:what happened Sanskar?did you not like the coffee.
Sanskar:no... But Aditi can I be frank than talking indirect or explaining things.
Aditi looks at him.
Sanskar:can I?
She nods of not being sure what is he gonna say.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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