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Readers point of view

"Hey, wait up!"
I yelled, calling out to kaede and shuichi who were about to leave. They turned their heads to me in surprise.

Kaede: "W-Who are you?!"

I stopped infront of them and took a minute to regain my breath.

"Haa.. haa.. Are.. You guys trapped in here too?"
I raised a brow.

Kaede: "Oh, yes! I just randomly woke up in a locker... All I remember is my ultimate and name..."

Shuichi: "..Same.."

But they didn't know about ultimates before didn't they?...
Their clothes changed too...
They didn't mention about the men in black too, could it be the monokubs erased their memory?!

"O-oh, Me too!"
I said, acting along with them.

"Well, I should introduce myself shouldn't I?.. ahem, I'm furina, the ultimate actress."
I said with false pride.

Kaede: "I'm kaede akamatsu, ultimate pianist!"

Shuichi: "..shuichi saihara, ultimate detective."

I nodded my head, taking mental note of their talents. Their clothes did fit their ultimates now though...
But I certainly did not get any clothing change, what a humiliation! The disrespect!

Kaede: "So you're the ultimate actress? Wow, that must be really cool!"

I placed one hand on my hip and closed my eyes, smiling pridefully.
"Of course! I love the feeling of everyone praising me and adoring me!"

Shuichi: "Lets get to the topic at hand... We should probably go explore around the area, who knows if there's more people..."

Kaede: "Good idea! Wanna come with us furina?"

I thought for a moment, well, I guess tagging along with some mortals wouldn't be such a nuisance.

"Hmm.. okay, I'll join."

We then set out for journey as we walked around the place, looking around for anything interesting or someone.
Then we see the long blue haired girl with the glasses!

kaede: "Look! A person! Should we approach them?"

I nodded
"Yes, I'll go first I suppose."

I walked over to the girl as kaede and shuichi watched me
I cleared my throat

"Ahem.. Hello."


The girl doesn't respond.

I get annoyed, I raised a brow as an irk mark appeared on my forehead.
"Um, hello?!"


The girl doesnt respond...


I yelled, trying to get her attention.


kaede: "Maybe its just a very detailed mannequin?.."

shuichi: "I dont think thats the case..."

kaede: "You never know, we saw a moving teddy bear..."

kaede came closer and started poking her cheek, I just huffed and put my hands on my hips- still annoyed.

so then I joined kaede and started poking the girls other cheek,
Then the other girl suddenly started speaking...