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Hey guys


Finally it was the engagement day the hall decorated so beautifully with peach and creme colour theme as per tae's choice

These two days is like a rollercoaster for all of them

Everything is needed to to be ready in two days

Minghao looks like a zoombie after he finishes the dress

He passed out after making the dress and jun carry him to their room so that he can sleep comfortably

Right now tae is getting ready and jungkook is already got ready and is waiting for tae

While Mrs Jeon is inviting the guests and Lee family also got invited so it's obvious that Suzy will also come to the engagement

Mrs Jeon: welcom Mrs Lee, how are you

Mrs Lee: how are you Mrs Jeon

Mrs Jeon: I am good and how you doing Suzy

Suzy: I am doing good aunty

Mrs Jeon: go and have a seat inside the engagement will soon start

Mrs Lee and Suzy nodded and make their way inside to have a seat

Suzy sat beside her mother and was looking here and there when her eyes landed on yeonjun who is beside jungkook and neatly dusting his suit

She thought to take this as a opportunity to talk with jungkook and also jungkook invited some media who he trusted the most and she thought that if the media saw her being so close to jungkook then tomorrow will be her breaking news

Thinking like this she make her way to yeonjun

Suzy: hey yeonjun and hii jungkook

She greeted them with a smile

Yeonjun: hey noona

She was waiting for jungkook's reply but he didn't replied to her which made her embarass

Suzy: jungkook how long will you ignore me

Jungkook: yeonjun take your sister from here

Yeonjun: ok hyung

Saying this he dragged Suzy to a silent place

Yeonjun: noona did you lost your mind why are you annoying hyung so much

He whispered yelled at her who rolled her eyes at him

Suzy: you will never know that pain when you loves someone getting engaged to someone you wi-

Yeonjun: ShuTUp noona I know that you cheated on him so cut the crap

Suzy widened her eyes after hearing this

Suzy: how di-d yo-ou know

She said stuttering

Yeonjun: because I was there and not only my au-

Before he could complete his sentence soobin came there running

Soobin: yeonjun!! Yeonjun!!

Yeonjun: what happened soobin

Soobin then take yeonjun a little far from Suzy

Soobin: I forget where I put the rings

Hearing this yeonjun widened his eyes

Yeonjun: are you serious soobin the only thing that i give you but still you didn't do it perfectly

Soobin pouted and looked down in guilt that he didn't do the simple thing perfectly

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