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Hey guys


??: surprise bishes, are you looking for this

They all look back and saw a guy swaying the shoes from side to side

Jungkook: YOU

??: YES ME

Jin: Jackson?

Jackson: heyo bishes, I am Jackson Wang from china

Jungkook: hyung why do you have my shoes with you give it to me please

Jackson: then why didn't you invite me for you engagement huh

The lady gang is standing in between them and on the left side jungkook and right side Jackson

Jungkook: because you were not even in Korea hyung~~

Jackson: so what, who knows if you have invited me i would have come to Korea the next second

Jungkook: hyung give me my shoes

Jackson: no i won't

The lady gang is looking between jungkook and Jackson

Jungkook: hyung i am asking you nicely give me my shoes right now

He said and take a step forward

Jackson: and i said I won't give

He said and take a step back

Like that jungkook taking a step forward and Jackson taking a step backward

Jungkook: hyung please

Jackson: catch me if you can

Saying this he started to run and jungkook is running after him

The lady gang when look at their left side jungkook was gone and they also started to run after the chasing duo

Joshua: yah, stop running we can't run with this dresses

They were holding the dresses while running

The guests who are present there wondering whether they came to attend the marriage or circus

Guest 1: are they really the top 1 tourist guiding company ceo

Guest 2: i never knew that the most handsome businessman can be this goofy

Guest 3: I am feeling like I am attending a circus not a marriage

Hearing this both guests agreed on that and keep looking at the chasing duo who is chasing from alter to the eating area and finally they came to the alter again

Jackson is panting so hard while bending down and jungkook saw this as opportunity and jump on him and both fell down

Jungkook immediately wear his shoes almost killing Jackson while taking the shoes

And stand in the alter smiling so widely like he was not about to kill Jackson with his bare legs

The guests were shocked to see this type of jungkook and give a tight lipped smile to him who is already smiling at them

In the bride's room tae can hear the shoutings but don't know what is happening outside

Tae: hannie what is happening outside, what's with the shouts?

Jeonghan: looks like Jackson is here

He said smirking

Tae frowned when he saw jeonghan's smirk

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