Sercrt Love

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Kat look's at Sam when he walks away and instantly falls in love with him.  She keep's staring at him "Kat?" I look at her then start poking her.   She stop's staring and looks at me "What?" then I stop poking her.  "Nothing.." I say then laugh a little.  Me and her walk away to the pond,  I run to the house to grab my spell books then catch up to her.  I sit down at pond next to her reading the spell books. "I'm tired.." Kat say's with a yawn.  "I'm going home," she tell's me "Okay see you later."  She waves goodbye then walks away.  She run's into Sam on her way home , she falls.  He helps her up and say's , "Hi, Have we met before?"  She reply "No you met my sister Ashley I'm Kat." she tells him.  She is covered in dirt then runs away in embarrassment .  She hears some loud noise's outside near the castle and she put's on her jacket and runs towards it.  She see's Sam fighting A stranger ,  Sam pulled out his sword and sliced his enemy in half but he stil is damaged from previous attacks.  She walks over to hep him but see's a girl healing him there.  She see's them kiss then a tear roll's down her cheek hitting the ground and runs home crying.  I walk inside hearing her cry in her room.  I run upstairs to see what's wrong and I see her laying on her bed crying into the bed sheets.  "What's wrong Kat?" I ask her,  "Nothing," she says while she contuies to cry.  Doesn't look like nothing to me, I say in my head then walk down stairs.  It eventully fall's asleep.  When she get's dressed brush's her hair and teeth.  When she walks down stairs I hand her a mug with Coco in it. 


(P.S-Hope you liked the "Love," chapter! :D Their will be more Romance in the story not just between theese two)



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