Ch 2

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{recap : He whispered in my ears , “we will be together right ?, Spending the nights together…”
I blushed and hugged him tightly ; but in our front of our parents *embarrassing moment*
They  also laughed, “They are gonna be a happy couple"....}

Ch 2
After 1 month , I went to Abhi’s house to return the documents of our office . There I saw him with Akira ; his old close friend ; she was constantly trying to break our marriage and make him his husband through various words . After akira went outside , I told –
“Abhi don’t fall for her . She is using you … she is a liar.”
“Oh shut up , she gave me reasons . Now its final that I’m marrying her .”
“what ??? ….you are not doing that.”
I went outside and sat on my car seat and cried for like an hour . Then I started driving . I made a decision that I will go to Delhi (I live in Mumbai) . So I called Abhi…I mean Abhyudaya and told the decision I’ve made –
“I need to tell you something  . I am sorry for what I did. Tomorrow is my mummy’s birthday ….so come here in my house . And you only are my friend from now on.”
I didn’t wanted to go …but I had gone so that he doesn’t feel upset …how come he will be upset ..he has a new girlfriend…who’ll light up his mood.
Well this was not the first time visiting his house .
I rang the bell; I saw him ; as always he wore a black jeans and a black suit , he was looking so hot . For the first few minutes I couldn’t take my eyes off him , but suddenly he snapped his finger and told that “come lets meet my new girlfriend”.
“First let me wish Aunty”
“Happy Birthday Aunty”
“Thank you beta”
After wishing her I met Akira ; ofc she had straight hair , beautiful eyes , soft smile , but inside she held an evil.
“hey nice to meet you.”
“Akira,this is my friend Gautami, and Gautami ,she is my girlfriend” said Abhi”
Everyone enjoying and talking, and I was sitting in a corner thinking Akira and Abhi looked good together . So I stood up and went straight outside to my car . It was about 11pm when I saw Akira standing outside with a guy who obviously looked like part of a gang . For sometime it felt okay but then they both KISSED??!!
I decided to tell it to Abhi , so I went to his home and confessed it all….
“Are you kidding ??? She loves me a lot and so do I …She can never do such thing..”
“Please believe me ..”
“How could I ? You are doing this shit so that I will leave her and be with you ? But you are wrong ..I will marry her and she will also”
“well….see this” I recorded the video of them kissing when I was sitting inside my car .
“Holy shit” he stopped and sat on the couch
“yes you were right ..”
“But its too late . Im going to Delhi and Idk if I am ever coming back or not.”
“WTF …so you are leaving cuz you lied to me about Akira”
“You will find that out yourself”..
                           The End

{ Gonna post 3rd part tomorrow or other day}

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