How should i start..

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Chapter 1

Right now, I'm at school with the most unexpected view of the corridors, the place around me was crowded a fight had taken place between the 2 popular guys, who I never knew existed, after a few minutes there was silence, I could hear only footsteps and each step got louder and louder, as If they were coming towards me. Everyone moved aside and I could see who it was, it was one of the guys who was fighting .he came up to me and held my hand then our eyes met then he opened his mouth to say something then he started shouting, "Beep beep beep beep".

I jumped out of bed, phew- it was only a dream and my alarm was beeping. It's 6:45 am and its Monday, and I have to go to school--" Who in the world created school and education!!!"

I slowly walked to the washroom and while brushing my teeth I was thinking about the dream,

NOTE: It's a typical teenager habit to think about stuff like this because we know it wouldn't happen it real life and we can't just stop thinking because teenagers are attracted to depression which is mostly caused by curiosity and anxiety while thinking of unimportant and unrealistic stuff like this.

I finished brushing my teeth and jumped into my bathtub, and took a fairly nice shower (No it wasn't nice the Geiser stopped working)

I wore my school uniform, because if I wore any other dress my school would send me back home and my mom would send me back to school-

I checked the time again it was 7:45, I grabbed 2 cookies from the table and shouted "BYE MOM, BYE DAD", and ran to the bus stop to catch a bus because I am too lazy to walk 20 kilometers to school.

I finally reached the bus stop and it was 7:55, 5 minutes for the bus to arrive...

I took out my phone and air pods and started listening to music. It is cold and quiet out here so it was the perfect place to listen to a nice slow song with a deep meaning, yes, I'm talking about depressing ones.

I was listening to music when someone stood next to me, I looked at him... he was tall, about 6'2 And I'm 5'3 not much of a difference –

He has Dark brown hair and he has black framed glasses, and he dark brown eyes which were staring into mine, wait he's looking at me-, I turn around (EMBARRASSED).

The bus arrives...

I climb the bus and go to my seat, the other spots in the bus are full, I put my phone back into my bag and open a book and start reading it so I can divert my mind from the embarrassing moment I had earlier... that's when a person standing next to my seat asks me "Is anyone sitting next to you?" I turn my head to see that it was the same dude I saw at the bus stop earlier.

One of his hand was in his pocket and the other holding the seat Infront to prevent himself to fall onto others, that hand had a million dollar looking watch wrapped around his wrist and the sleeve was rolled up enough to see his veins, I was amused it when I saw someone waving their hand Infront of my face, his other hand was out of his pocket, I looked at his face and I suddenly came back to my senses, I said "No , no one's sitting here" , "So, can I sit here please?" he said, I nod my head and he sat down next to me,

He took out his phone and started texting someone, and yes, I'm nosy... I checked the name and it said "MOM". How adorable is that!!!, informing your mom that you reached the bus safely on time.

I was smiling and looked up at him, he was already looking at me... my smile faded I was embarrassed AGAIN!!, I looked away I was looking out of the window, when he asked "What's your name?", he wasn't angry the tone was calm. I turned my head around and he was looking at me with a smile OMG!! HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO ADORABLE!!, "Kiara" I said, I wasn't embarrassed I felt comfortable to say it... "That's such a sweet name" He smiles and says, I asked him for his name... I wasn't waiting for it to be Kyle or Adrik or... "My name is Taksh", Woahhhhh he has a good name a great personality and also looks Gorgeous!!!,

I nod my head and smile back, The bus finally arrived at school and I got down then Taksh came up to me and we started to talk, and we were in the same class too...

But even after all this, something about him feels familiar, I feel like I've met him before, the face seems familiar.....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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