Chapter 2

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"What did you find?"

Their Alpha asked him when he came back. He was in charge of manning the entrance, keeping an eye on every intruder that would enter the forest.

"Four boys."

"Found anything noteworthy?"

Raven locks of hair ruffled softly as he shook his head. "Nothing. They seem harmless."

His partner snorted beside him.

"More like a bunch of idiots I would say."

Their Alpha raised an inquiring eyebrow.

His partner shrugged, looked away whilst pushing his eyeglasses up. You would think being a Were would make their senses more 'defined'- well, his partner is obviously an exception.

"They're just kids." The blond wolf finally answered in monotone.

Their Alpha hummed in contemplation. "I see." He said. He looked at them, his black orbs so dark and serious it sent shivers down their spines. "Continue keeping track of them. We never know what those 'kids' have up their sleeves. It's been a while since the last human set foot on this forest. We must not put our guards down."

They nodded.


It was still a bit dark when the four boys woke up the next morning. They spent the first few hours of the day planning everything they think they should do.

The sun was already up when they decided to start their mission ('The Herb Hunting' Noya called it) after a short breakfast of canned sausages and bread.

They walked around with the guidance of Yamaguchi's Father's timeworn compass and map. If it wasn't for the old devices, they'd surely go in circles around the forest. The trees and bushes looked identical it was really easy to be lost in such a huge place.

So they decided to put marks on the big trees they pass on.

"See? I told you guys there's a possibility that those who didn't come back to the town got lost here." Hinata whipped a stick he found lying on the ground to help him clear his path.

Seeing as this forest has been off-limits to the village people for a year, it became wilder. Tall trees were looming around them whilst bushes and wild plants filling the ground. Grasses were already up their knees too.

"I see your point okay?" Tanaka answered grudgingly as he leaned down to avoid the branch that was about to smack his head.

The two smaller boys snickered.

Yamaguchi looked at them accusingly. "You made a bet?"

Noya waved Yamaguchi off, a small smirk still on his face. "Nah. Silly."

"Then care to explain the look on your faces?"Hinata pouted and Tanaka snorted.

"What look?"

"Like you've won something." Hinata beamed and jumped.

"We won the argument!"

Hinata and Noya fist bumped each other.
Tanaka put an arm around Yamaguchi's shoulder and pulled him, obviously annoyed.

"Don't mind them."

"Aww Ryuu ~ Don't be such an ass!" Tanaka blew him a raspberry.

The forest was filled with Noya and Hinata's teasing laughs.


"Where do you think they're going?" The black haired Were asked his companion as they followed the humans. They'd been walking first thing in the morning, only stopping to take a quick rest under a tree.

His partner shrugged, uninterested. "Maybe they're just bored so they thought 'why not play inside the forest'? Oh you know, people bored out of their wits were bound to do ridiculous shits."

He clicked his tongue and focused his eyes on keeping track of the humans. Usually, humans brought destructive weapons with them when they enter the forest. But seeing these humans, they seem harmless, even more so unarmed.

'What are they even thinking? What is their purpose?' He thought to himself.

His companion's sudden curse snapped him out of his thoughts. "Fuck. This isn't good."

"What? What is it?" Did the humans finally showed their true intentions?

"They're going to see the Nekoma's Omega." Another curse. "Their Alpha's quite possessive of his Omega! This is going to be bad news if the humans spot him. Why is he even here? This is far from their territory!" The blond Were hissed.

This forest is being dominated by 4 groups of Weres or the Half-human Half-animal people. First is the Fukurodani or the Owls of the North. Next is the Shiratorizawa, the Eagles of the South. The Nekomas are the Weres of the feline descents in this forest. Their territory was in the western part so what is their Omega doing here, in the east, the Karasuno's territory?

"We can't let them see him." The raven haired declared.

The blond huffed. "No shit. I don't want to get involved in an another Territorial discourse."

The raven haired winced when he remembered the last Territorial discourse Karasuno had with another pack of Weres. It's too energy consuming. And a little gory, he might add. Fortunately, it's been centuries since that happened.

So he jumped down the tree he was sitting and followed suit his partner because he doesn't want to have any Territorial discourse in his own lifetime.


Hinata noticed it. He more of like felt it, rather than saw or heard it.

Something or someone was with them.

The four of them were under a big, old tree taking a quick nap. They just had their lunch so they decided to take turns in napping because they can't let themselves be in low-guard in this kind of place. He looked at Yamaguchi, who was busy reading his father's map. What he sees in there other than lines of different shapes and colors are beyond Hinata.

He stood up, brushing the dirts on his trouser. Yamaguchi looked up to him. "What?" His freckled friend asked.

Hinata put a finger between his lips. "Shh. I'm just gonna go check something."

Yamaguchi's eyes showed confusion but Hinata didn't let him ask for more. He started to walk, where to, he doesn't even know. He's just following what his guts was telling him.

If he was right, he know he would find something. Something that could help them find what they're searching for. He just knew it.

Hinata took his steps very carefully. He avoided every dead branch and leaves he might step on and make an alarming noise. He crouched down in front of a thick bush that was blocking his way before looking at his back. His friends are no longer in sight, he probably had walked farther than he had expected.

He just had his hands buried onto the thick bush to brush them out of his way when he felt a presence behind his back. He froze, his heart pounding hard inside his chest. He didn't even had the chance to scream when something soft covered his mouth and nostril and just a second later, he went blank.

* *
A/N: I'll start updating this now :) if you're an old reader and still reading this thanks for waiting patiently x

The Wolf who fell inlove with Little Redhead (HQ yaoi AU)(hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now