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Angel Reese-Johnson

I held the ice pack under my eye as I scrolled on my phone. I'm so irritated, I just want to get on a plane and go home.

I accidentally burned underneath my eye trying to curl my hair. It hurts and I'm positive it's gonna stay there for a good minute.

"Where is Kimberly?" I asked out loud to anybody, I don't care who answer

"She went out to do something"

"I called her seven times and she's not answering. My interview is less than an hour, and I need her to fix this"

"Angel your eye looks bad" my stylist stated the obvious to me before I mugged her

I tried calling Kimberly again just to not get an answer. How is my own makeup artists not available for me?

She literally just finished my makeup not even thirty minutes ago. Like, how did you disappear that damn quick?

I sent a text and continued to get ready for my interview. After time passed by my entire team loaded up in the truck.

We made it before going inside and getting settled. Of course it's cameras everywhere, but I'm use to it.

"So what upcoming projects do you have coming up, can you say?" my interviewer asked before I sighed and shook my head

"I can't go into much detail, but I'm here working on a project. It's one of the biggest things I've ever worked on, so I'm excited for everyone to see"

"Does it relate to your modeling?"

"Um — yes in a way, kind of" I said before she shook her head and I started laughing

"You acting hesitant to tell us girl, we need the tea" she said before we both started laughing

"No, I really wish I could tell y'all because it's exciting. I can't though because I'm under a contract, you tryna get me in trouble"

"It's okay I'll talk to who I need to talk to to see if we can get some info" she said before I chuckled a little, "Aside from that how has life been all around?"

"Life has definitely been doing its thing, but in a good way. Of course, I have my bad days but life is good"

"Aw, how is it being away from home constantly, what's the impact like?"

"I just be tired, I catch up on sleep when I'm home, but that's when I can. My family demands quality time, and my daughter requires attention"

"You know I honestly forgot you have a daughter, but that's because I don't see her anywhere. Y'all are hiding her very well" she said before I started laughing

"She got posted once or twice when she was first born. After that my wife and I decided that, that was it"

"Why the world wanna see her?"

"Noo, she's a baby and the internet is full of weirdos. It's our job to protect her, so y'all will never see her" she gasped and dropped her mouth open

"I definitely respect that, but that makes me sad"

"If she ever decide to show her face when she's older than okay. As of right now, she's not in the public eye"

"Yeah, I completely understand" she agreed while nodding, "I wanna talk basketball"


"Yes, girl everybody still have hope in you returning"

"I've stated numerous of times that, that is not something I pursue anymore. It's been like eight — ten years, I would've been came back"

"The big question everybody wants to know is, have you lost that gift or talent?" she asked which caused me to laugh a little

"I'm rusty, but I haven't lost it. Basketball is in my blood, I'll never lose my gift"

"I have to see you play somebody" she got excited before I shook my head no

"No, that's an extra curricular activity for at home. I play with my wife because she still pursue basketball. Other than that, I don't tend to it"

The interview lasted for another two hours before we ended up leaving. Finally because I feel like I'm gonna go blind in my eye.

Maybe I'm being dramatic, but still.

"My eye was stinging the entire time" I told Jeanine before she looked at my eye

"It's gonna leave a stain for a while"

"Jeanine a stain is insane" I practically died inside holding my laugh in. Am I a carpet or something?

"I'm just letting you know, but I'm sure you already know" she said before I laughed because she's honestly adorable

"Yes, I do actually"

We made it back to our hotel and I instantly got in the shower. For some reason, I feel nasty just from being out today.

I finished up with my shower before turning on the tv just for noise. It's too damn quiet in here, I need some noise.

I was getting ready to go to sleep before I realized I haven't talked to Flau'jae all day.

I've lowkey been avoiding talking to her because we're probably gonna end up arguing. She doesn't know it, but I saw her ex bitch at her family function.

As usual that bitch messaged me and sent me pictures. I don't even care about her being there, I'm just confused as to why the hell she had my baby.

She's weird for taking pictures of her and Jaeuh then sending it to me. She's trying to be funny, and it's disrespectful.

I'm going to jail behind my baby, she's overdue for an ass whooping anyway. I might just wipe her entire existence away.

"Why did you take so long to answer — where's Au'jaeuh?"

"Damn, no hey?"

"Hey, where is Au'jaeuh?" she mugged me before sighing and turning the camera

"What's with the damn attitude, and what the hell happened to your eye?" she turned the camera back around to her

"I got hit" I lied before her facial expression changed, "I'm lying, now give Jaeuh the phone"

"Wha —" she stopped before just simply giving Jaeuh the phone

"Jaeuh" I called before getting no answer and I sucked my teeth, "Au'jaeuh"

She was just focusing on her tablet, which is something I hate. I don't like her having her tablet because she zone out.

She don't hear nothing or nobody, and I hate it.

"Take the tablet" I yelled frustratedly because Flau'jae see me tryna talk and she's just sitting there

"I'm finna hang up on you, like for real" she said before picking up the phone, "You irritating, and that mark under your eye is too"

"Flau'jae tread lightly because you —" I stopped once I remembered Jaeuh was literally right there

I just took a deep breath that didn't help at all.

We don't argue around her, at least we try not to. It's hard biting my tongue because I need her to feel everything.

"I'm just saying, you get on the phone with a attitude. We chilling, we don't wanna hear that shit"

I hung up immediately because I'm ready to take it there, but I can't. It doesn't matter because I'm coming back home late tomorrow night.

It's cool.

Oh, and I'm firing Kimberly too.

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