12| 结婚戒指

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Once Li Yi and Wei Ming were ready, they made their way to the kitchen where Wei Caiji was already up and preparing breakfast. The aroma of freshly steamed buns and hot porridge filled the air, making their stomachs rumble in anticipation.

After a hearty breakfast, Li Yi excused himself to attend to his duties. Today, he was tasked with helping Wei Caiji feed the chickens. He made his way to the coop, a basket of chicken feed in hand, and found Wei Caiji already inside, scattering grain for the eager birds.

"Good morning, Wei-Furen," Li Yi greeted, stepping into the coop. "I'm here to assist you."

Wei Caiji looked up from her task, a warm smile on her face. "Ah, Li Yi, thank you for your help. These feathered friends are quite hungry today."

Together, they scattered the feed, watching as the chickens clucked and pecked at the grain. The sound of their contented coos filled the air, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

As they worked, Li Yi couldn't help but notice Wei Caiji's gentle manner with the animals. Her touch was light, her voice soothing as she spoke to them. It was a side of her that he hadn't seen before, and it brought a sense of calm to his heart.

"You have a way with them," Li Yi commented, scattering the last of the feed. "They seem to trust you." Wei Caiji laughed, a soft, musical sound that made Li Yi's heart skip a beat. "I've been caring for them since they were chicks," she explained. "They're like family to me."

Li Yi smiled, understanding the sentiment. "Family is important," he agreed. "And not just those related by blood. The bonds we form with others can be just as strong."

Wei Caiji nodded, her gaze meeting Li Yi's. "Yes, I believe so too."

As they finished up in the chicken coop and made their way back to the main house, Li Yi couldn't shake the feeling that a new bond was forming between them - one that would only grow stronger with time.

Wei Caiji turned towards Li Yi as she took plates to put on the table. "Li Yi, can you call Lin Yang and tell him to help you gather the family for breakfast?" she said, done with the plates. "Mhh... En, I'll be right back," Li Yi said, nodding.

Li Yi nodded, his footsteps light as he left the room. The familiar corridors of their home embraced him—the polished wood, the scent of incense. He found Lin Yang in the courtyard, tending to the bonsai trees. His hands moved with precision, trimming leaves and coaxing life from miniature landscapes.

"Lin Yang," Li Yi called, approaching the older man. "Breakfast is ready. Wei-Furen has requested your assistance in gathering the family for breakfast."

Lin Yang looked up, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Ah, thank you for informing me," he said, wiping his hands on his apron and setting down his tools. "I'll be there shortly, once I have gathered them."

As Lin Yang went off to summon the Wei family, Li Yi walked back to the dining area.

Moments later, the Wei family began to trickle into the dining hall, their voices filling the room with warmth and laughter. Li Yi watched as they took their seats around the table, their faces animated as they chatted and caught up on the day's events.

Lu Ning and Wei Li were already at the table, and Wei Li's face flushed from play. Wei Ming sat across from Wei Caiji, their eyes meeting in silent understanding. Li Yi took his place next to Wei Ming, feeling the warmth of family—the shared meals, the laughter, the unspoken bonds.

As the meal progressed, the conversation flowed freely, touching on everything from training to local gossip. Li Yi felt a sense of contentment wash over him as he listened to the lively banter, grateful to be part of such a close-knit family, even if it was only for a short while. When the meal was over, the family dispersed, each heading off to attend to their duties. 

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