15| 婚礼仪式

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The gentle rustling of fabric and the rhythmic clinking of the loom filled the small room as Li Yi and Aunt Wei worked side by side. The late afternoon sun streamed through the window, casting a warm, golden glow over their work.

Li Yi sat on a small stool, weaving clothes for Wei Min. The festival is next week, and the week after, he will leave for the mountains with Wei Ming.

Beside him, Aunt Wei was focused on her task of weaving a pair of shoes, her movements steady and experienced. They had already done this for the rest of the family, yet Wei Min was still in the capital, so they had to do it now.

They only had five days left until the festival. As they worked, Aunt Wei broke the comfortable silence with a question. "A-Li, have you ever been to the harvest festival?"

Li Yi paused for a moment, looking up from his weaving. "No," he replied softly, with a hint of wistfulness in his voice. "This is my first time."

Aunt Wei's eyes softened as she glanced at him. "You're in for a treat then. The harvest festival is a time of great celebration and joy. The entire village comes together to give thanks for the year's bounty. There are games, music, and, of course, plenty of food."

Li Yi's lips curled into a small smile. "It sounds wonderful," he said, returning his focus to the cloth. "I've heard stories about such festivals, but experiencing them firsthand will be different."

"Is there anything I should know or prepare for the festival?" Li Yi asked, his curiosity piqued. "I want to make sure I'm not missing anything important."

Aunt Wei chuckled softly. "Just be yourself and enjoy the festivities. But if you want to make a good impression, there's one tradition you might find interesting. Each family usually prepares a dish to share at the communal feast. Perhaps you could make something special."

Li Yi's eyes brightened at the suggestion. "I'd like that. I could make something that my mother thought of. It would be a way to share a piece of my past with everyone here."

Aunt Wei smiled warmly. "That's a lovely idea. Sharing food is a beautiful way to connect with others. I'm sure everyone will appreciate it."

They fell back into a comfortable silence, the only sounds being the quiet hum of their weaving and the occasional chirping of birds outside. As the afternoon wore on, Li Yi felt a growing sense of anticipation for the festival and the days that would follow.

Aunt Wei's presence was comforting, and her stories of the harvest festival filled him with a sense of belonging. For the first time since his arrival, he felt a connection to the village and the life he was now a part of.

The soft light of the setting sun cast long shadows across the room, signaling the end of their workday. Li Yi looked at the cloth in his hands, satisfied with the progress they had made. 

"We've done well today," Aunt Wei said, breaking the silence. "Wei Min will be pleased with the clothes and shoes. You've done a wonderful job, A-Li."

Li Yi's cheeks flushed with modesty. "Thank you, Aunt Wei. I'm grateful for your guidance and patience."

Aunt Wei placed her finished pair of shoes beside her and looked at him with a kind smile. "It's my pleasure. You're a quick learner and a diligent worker. Wei Ming is fortunate to have you as his husband."

Li Yi's heart skipped a beat at her words. He glanced down at his hands, feeling a warmth spread through him. "I hope I can continue to be of help," he said softly.

Aunt Wei stood up, stretching her arms. "You already are. Now, let's put these things away and prepare for the evening. Tomorrow is another day, and there's still much to do before the festival."

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