Chapter Twenty Six

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"Hey, Henry. I know it's been a while. I just...I...I hope you're doing okay. Okay." The call on my screen, like usual, went straight to voicemail.

I wasn't sure if Henry had read or received any of my calls or texts. After a few months, I sort of gave up and just settled for hoping that one day he would hear them and that I would hear from him.

"Got your beer!" Camilla was suddenly standing in front of me. "I can't believe we are finally done with the year!"

"Tell me about it," I took the drink and followed Camilla to a somewhat secluded table.

"Are you and Idris celebrating?" Camilla asked.

"He said he's taking me somewhere, but it's a surprise."

"These men and their surprises." Camilla rolled her eyes before taking a sip of her drink. "Actually though, I do have a surprise for Benny."

"You're pregnant?!"

"What? Hell no." Camilla shook her head.

"Well what else could be so surprising?" I chuckled.

"Well," She looked away a little nervous before meeting my eyes with a meek smile. "I'm going to ask him to turn me."

"What?" Now I looked at her in shock.

"Yeah," she bit her lips. "I mean the year is over. I did really well in my classes, but I've been thinking for a while now that I want a break. Ben has been wanting me to travel with him and school has been holding us back."

"'re..." Wow, I couldn't find the right words, but looking at Camilla, I had a feeling all she wanted was some reassurance.

I set my turmoil of thoughts aside and gave her a warm smile, "I'm happy for you, Camilla. I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun, but also," My gaze went stern, "Don't you dare forget about me."

She giggled, "How can I when we are going to be immortal besties."

We both laughed.

"So, do you think you'll be asking Idris to turn you anytime soon?"

I looked down at my hands for a moment. Idris had offered it before, but I hadn't been ready back then. Especially after everything that had happened between Henry and I.

Idris had understood. He hadn't pressured me, but because I was human, and 'fragile' according to him, he continued feeding me his blood.

Everything between me and Idris had been going so well. I felt happy, carefree, safe, and deeply loved. I had no reason to put bonding with him aside and I didn't want to anymore.

"Actually, I was thinking about asking him to turn me tonight."

"Oh my God!" Camilla smiled so wide. She was so excited her ass came off her seat as she reached over to take hold of my hands. "We are going to be having some fun tonight!" She wiggled her brows.

"Camilla!" I chuckled.

She sat back in her seat. "Let's celebrate then and enjoy our final night as humans!" She picked up her glass.

I shook my head, chuckling, but picked up my bottle nonetheless.

The night moved in a blur. We were dancing, singing, laughing, drinking, and having a blast. My body was starting to feel so warm and I chalked it up to the alcohol, but I needed a cool drink of water.

"I need to pee," Camilla shuffled beside me.

"Go, I'll get us waters and a table."

"Okay," She sprinted in the direction of the restroom.

Camilla was such a funny girl. I was so glad I had met her. She turned out to be a great friend. I'm sure we were going to be even better 'immortal besties' as she had put it.

I ordered our waters and waited patiently at the bar.

The warmth in my body felt like it was spreading. It was subtle but enough to prickle my senses.

I glanced around the room. The air seemed charged with energy, a sensation I couldn't quite place.

Feeling eyes on me, I scanned the crowded bar discreetly, sweeping my gaze through the crowd. That's when I felt it—an invisible thread tugging at me, a pull similar to the one I shared with Idris, but softer, more distant. Maybe he was close? But he and Ben had vowed to give me and Camilla a girl's night.

Turning my attention to the shadowy corner of the room, I saw a tall figure leaning against the bar, practically hidden in the dimly lit space. My eyes adjusted and recognition dawned on me. It was Henry.

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