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My first short story here!



The bus I was supposed to take for my third interview this week just passed me, splashing water on me like I was no one. And I am a "no one." With kind of wet trousers, I turned around to go home. The next bus won't be here for another 30 minutes, and I will not make it to the coffee place. The interview was for a position I did not even want, but when you are jobless for three months and the money in the account does not look good, you have to be able to do anything. A cleaning lady, hostess at a fancy restaurant that I do not have qualifications for, or a waitress in a coffee shop. Not having finished my studies, I do not have a lot to offer with my CV. I do understand that, but at the same time, I do need the money. It is not like I have a boyfriend who will pay for rent. Well, not anymore. I have been dumped before, but this time hurt more. This time I had no place to go. This time I had no savings. This time I had no one to turn to for help.

Moving is hard, but moving for a new hot boyfriend is easy when he has a house, money, and did I mention he was hot? Yes. Well, it was easy to leave my mom, two sisters, and ex-boyfriends in that little town. It was easy to move into a huge house and have all the bills paid. It is not easy to go back to reality with wet trousers and no hot boyfriend in sight.

Shit! I dropped my key. Thankfully not into the drain, but just close enough to give me a heart attack. I opened the doors to a house where I rented a room from an old lady. I wanted to be quiet so she would not ask me a million and one questions about the interview I did not have yet. She is sweet, but when she needs to talk, she will do that forever. I do not have that time now. I ran upstairs for new trousers. But I'm not the best at running. I tripped and fell on my ass, shouting "Shit!"

"Darling? Are you all right?" – I heard her voice, and I immediately knew that I would have to talk to her for at least 10 minutes. My eyes rolled automatically.

"Yes, Ms. Humphry, I just fell," I answered, trying to stand up. I wondered what else would happen in this day that would make me say, "Shit..."

"Oh, Darling, you are such a mess. You know, for that interview, it would be more appropriate if you presented yourself a little bit cleaner than those wet pants of yours," her eyes stuck to my trousers that I wanted to change. Her judgmental look just made my day worse if that is even possible.

"Yes, Ms. Humphry, I was about to change them," I said as politely as I could. I turned my back to her and went to my room. She did not try to talk to me anymore. I was surprised, but maybe she got the point of me being very angry already. I hoped I could make it to the second bus. I hoped that my white trousers would not become dirty on the way to the coffee shop. I really need the job.

Running did not help me on the stairs, but for the bus, I do have to run. No matter if I leave the house too late or too early, the bus is always there before me. I did have enough money on my bus card to get this ride to the city centre. Gladly, I stood in the bus as my white pants would catch anything on those seats. The water did not look great, but I also did not expect that from this morning's clouds; it would be a sunny day. It rained at night, so at least it could not rain during the day. But you never know; that's why I usually have my umbrella with me. Usually, I say because I forgot it when leaving the house for the second time this morning.

I do like the city I live in. The bus takes me very near the coffee shop I was supposed to be 10 minutes ago. Not the best first look for me, but I take anything. Of course, when the doors of the bus opened, the rain started to pour down. I looked at the sky and asked in my head, "How the heck is this happening to me right now?" and tried to run for the third time that day. I went for the pedestrian line with more coverage from other buildings.

I finally stepped inside. I was wet... Not only my pants but my hair, my shirt and my pants too. My makeup was gone and I probably looked like a ghost because the staff looked at me very weirdly.

Great first impression for sure. I asked for Madison who was supposed to interview me.

" Oh I'm sorry she is running late"- said one of the employees and asked me to sit down. – Would you like anything to drink?

I did enjoy sporicidal lattes but I felt obligated to get some coffee in a place like that. And if the person who is late seas me with a coffee that might made them feel more at ease so I said yes.

"Could you surprise me?- I asked as I was not sure what coffee I want and no idea what coffee I can get. The person smiled and went to make me the surprise. I was relieved I had time to sit down and wipe the rain off my face. I looked around and the coffee shop looked really cute. I was never there before. I usually stuck to sporadically going out to bars with my ex but now maybe I'm a coffee person.

The surprise was green! I was shocked to my core. How the fuck can you make a green coffee?

"Your Matcha" said the person giving me the poisonous-looking drink. Matcha I have to remember that to google it later at home. I was sceptical but I did not want to be rude. I tried the weird drink and took a little sip. It was kind of bitter but a bit sweet but also savoury. It was a good mixture. I sat with my drink and sip by sip enjoyed it more and more.

"Miss Evans?"- I heard my last name and I quickly turned around. The drink spilled... On my white trousers! Shit!!!! I almost said at loud but just grasped.

" Shit, I'm sorry" I heard instead. The girl behind me, probably Madison, looked worried. She was also wet from the rain. She took some napkins and gave them to me. I tried to clean my pants but they were just dirty from the green surprise " I'm so sorry I did not want to scare you" she started mumbling and giving me more napkins.

"No worries, shit happens" I said laughingly. She sat across from me. I took a look at a young girl probably my age. She looked worried and a bit too wet to be having a conversation. I gave some of the napkins. She took them with a smile. After a deep sight, she said

"Hi, Im Maddison" and gave me her hand in a greeting.

"I'm Alison" I smiled and shook her hand.

"Sorry for being late, sorry for the matcha on your pants. I had a bad day today. Can you imagine the bus was late then the rain, ah I'm so sorry" she started explaining herself and I laughed a bit.

"Yea, I can imagine" knowing perfectly that it happened to me too. She smiled at me and we had a conversation about the cafe my CV and many more details about the work.

I did not know that this job would get me out of trouble and working with Maddison would make me realise that I had less bad luck than her. I did not know that was the day I met my soulmate. And I did not know that on our wedding day, I would be giving a speech about that shitty day that happened to be the day that we met.

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