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I want to kill myself,

I don't want to stay inthis world,

I'm not good at anything,

This world,

Is empty of shit,

The peoples, everything,

In fact i'm one of this shit,

Maybe there is always good persons but,

I don't think they have they place here,

Good persons have to be in a better world than this,

We all gonna die,

Yesterday, tomorrow , thenext week,

We doesn't know , where , when by who,

Good people are not evillike all of the world,

I don't care of who they are because i don't want to see them,

I just want the better forall of them,

This world is like a hudge trash with some gold inside,

But gold are rare like good persons.


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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