Chapter 1 - Katie is enrolled into SHIELD Academy

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Shoot, Nat thought, she had just pulled up to the Care for your emotions program, which her sister was enrolled in. She heard the dog yelp, and her sister, Katie crying, and knew if she didn't get in there something would escalate. She ran inside, and immediately Katie ran to her, "what happened," Nat asked. Tabitha, the owner answered, "Katie lost control of her emotions, and kicked the dog accidentally - right Katie?" Katie nodded, and Nat was immediately on her height, "Katie why did you lose control," she asked, "the dog started barking," Katie whispered, "Katie, dogs will do that, did you say sorry," Katie shook her head. "Say sorry," Nat said, Katie stood there clearly thinking she was in trouble. "It's okay Katie, I'm not mad," Tabitha said, "Sorry," Katie whispered before breaking down crying. Nat picked her up, and carried her out to the car, on the way home Katie fell asleep, and was still asleep when they got home. Nat carried her inside, and told Yelena what had happened, both Yelena, and Nat knew right then she would do great in SHIELD Academy. However, they weren't sure if she was old enough, Nat called Nick. "Hello Nick, this is Natasha Romanoff, my sister Katie is 10 years old, but both me, and Yelena think she will thrive in the academy." Nick was listening, "What makes you think that," he asked, "She has emotional problems that are classified as severe, but their not really that severe," Nat replied. Nick thought for a minute, "the youngest age is 11 - but given the circumstances, yes, she may join." Now Katie had woken up, and was sitting on Yelena's lap, and when Nat had hung up, asked, "who was that?" Yelena replied, "MR. Nick, Katie would you want to go to the school that Natasha teaches at?" Katie got excited, and right then Nat, and Yelena decided to take her shopping for the stuff, as teacher move in day was the next day. At the shops, Katie saw the security guard, and remembered what happened, she clung to Yelena. When they reached the school section Katie wanted a plain pink backpack, then Nat let her pick out a coloring book for when she was having one of those days, Crayons, 3 notebooks, pencils, Katie liked the mechanical pencils. Then Nat told Katie, "You will be sleeping in the teachers area with Me, and Yelena - Yelena has a separate bedroom than me, do you want to sleep with Yelena, or me?" Katie thought about it, Nat knew what may come, "and no you may not have your own room," "Awww - can I sleep with you?" Nat answered, "Yes you can," Then they got Katie Spandex, and sports bras, which she was excited about, until Nat told her, "You'll only wear this during my classes, alright my little firefly?" Katie giggled, she liked when Nat called her that, "Alright," Nat asked again, Katie nodded., Then she saw the stress toys section, "Natasha, Natasha look, may I get one please, please Natasha?" Nat laughed, "yes you may get ONE thing," Katie picked out a pack of 5 toys, Nat looked at Yelena, "Technically it's 1 thing," Yelena said. Nat smiled, and put it into the cart, after they checked out Nat drove them all home. At home Nat made dinner, and Katie was exhausted, she barely touched her food, and ended up falling asleep at dinner. Yelena carried her upstairs, and put her to bed. She slept the whole night, and in the morning, she woke up, and Nat helped her pack her backpack.

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