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[Scene: Dome City]

(End of flashback. Fades to Coconuts' ghost.)

The Ghost of Coconuts: I was washed away in the beach, and now, I'm a ghost, and I've come to posess all of you! (laughs maniacally with his razor-sharp fangs coming out of his teeth)

Sonic: Run!

(As Sonic his friends that, they run along with him and hide away from Coconuts' ghost.)

The Ghost of Coconuts: Come back here! I'm not done with you yet!

Dr. Robotnik: (off-screen) Coconuts!

(Cuts to Dr. Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, King Koopa and his minions.)

Dr. Robotnik: What are you doing here?!

The Ghost of Coconuts: You demoted me! Yeah, yeah! So now I finally get my revenge!

Dr. Robotnik: Out of our way, you undead robotic primate! We're going to find our enemies!

The Ghost of Coconuts: Can I join your side?

King Koopa: (pushes Coconuts' ghost out of the way as he walks away along with his minions, Robotnik and his badniks) Beat it! It's our turn now!

The Ghost of Coconuts: B-b-b-but, you cannot do that! (to Robotnik) You built me!

Dr. Robotnik: Who cares?!

The Ghost of Coconuts: (growling) I'll capture that hedgehog if it's the last thing I do!

[Scene: The Dome House]

(Cuts to Sonic, Mario and the gang going inside the dome house.)

Mario: Inside!

(The gang shut the door hide from the bad guys.)

Sonic: I hope they left.

(Robotnik, his badniks, King Koopa and his minions come out of the door.)

King Koopa: Well, well, well! What do we have here?

Dr. Robotnik: It's Sonic, Tails and his friends,

King Koopa: And Mario, Luigi, Princess, Yoshi and his cave friends too!

Dr. Robotnik: Badniks! Get them!

Grounder: Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin', Scratch?
Scratch: Yes, I'm thinkin' what you're thinkin'!

Grounder: Let's...

Scratch and Grounder: GET 'EM!!!! (laugh)

Mario: (jumps on Scratch and Grounder's heads) PASTAAA POWEEERRRR!!!

Sonic: (jumps) Up, (does a triple spin) over, (about to dash) and (dashes) GOOOONNNEEE!!! (hits Scratch and Grounder)

Scratch and Grounder: (run away) RETREAT!!! RETREAAATT!!!

King Koopa: Don't leave us, you idiots!

Dr. Robotnik: You heard what my badniks say, you reptilian reject! RUUUUNN!!!

(The bad guys run away.)

Mario: What're we waiting for? We gotta get to the portal as fast as possible!

Sonic: Let's speed, keeds! (dashes away)

(The good guys follow Sonic.)

[Scene: Dome City]

(Robotnik, King Koopa and the rest of the bad guys get to the Alternate Universe Portal.)

Dr. Robotnik: The portal! (to King Koopa) So long, Koopa! It's been an honor serving with all of you, but now, we have to get back to our home! (goes inside the portal)

Scratch and Grounder: (follow Robotnik) Wait for us, your heinousness! (go inside the portal)

(The ghost of Coconuts goes to the portal too.)

The Ghost of Coconuts: Dr. Robotnik! (goes inside the portal)

King Koopa: Every man for himself! (goes inside the portal)

(Sonic, Tails, Mario, Luigi, and the rest of the good guys get to the Alternate Universe Portal.)

Sonic: Dr. Robotnik, Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts...

Mario: And King Koopa are going inside the Alternate Universe Portal!

Sonic: We have to get them! (to Toadstool, Yoshi and the cavepeople) Goodbye, citizens of Dinosaur World!

Toadstool: Bye!

Cavepeople: Bye!

Sonic: We'll see you at my next birthday soon! Outta here! (goes inside the portal)

(Tails, all of Sonic's friends, and the Mario brothers, except for Toadstool, and the cavepeople, go inside the portal.)

Yoshi: (goes to the portal) Wait for Yoshi!

Toadstool: Yoshi, no!

(Yoshi goes inside the portal.)

The Sonic, Mario and Donkey Kong Crossover SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now