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Name: Alphie Drake (Nickname: Alph).
Age: 15 years old.
Height: 5ft 5in.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Occupation: Ra Yellow student.
Likes: His friends and family, dueling, camping, food, video games, reading, improving his deck, memes, pizza, milkshakes, star wars, card games, tea, sleep, music, stargazing, dragons, and food.
Dislikes: Assholes, cheaters, Crowler, simps, the 3 stooges, pineapple on pizza, hand outs, needles, and being underestimated.
Personality: Nice, kind, confident, witty, intelligent, tactical, independent, selfless, determined, competetive, proud, reckless when his loved ones are in danger, and protective of those close to him.
Looks: Healthy white skin, midnight black hair and sky blue eyes.

Looks: Healthy white skin, midnight black hair and sky blue eyes

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Duel Spirit: Wattail Dragon.

SkillsDueling: That is literally what this book is about, need I say more?

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Dueling: That is literally what this book is about, need I say more?

Martial Arts: Wanting to make sure his son could protect himself Alphies father had him take a few martial arts classes over the years.

Gymnastics: While not traditonally trained Alphie is still able to pull off several basic moves such as flips, rolls and wall runs.

Genius-Level Intellect: As one of the people that was in the top 5 when it came to the written exam Alphie is far smarter than most.

(A/N: In this story the written exam was a combination of things like Dueling knowledge, math, science, etc.)

Music: As a part-time hobby Alphie would practice with his guitar whenever he got the chance.

Cooking: While not being the biggest fan of it Alphie was taught how to cook a variety of meals by his uncle, though he wasn't taught anything too complicated.

Survival: Due to past expirences Alphies father made sure Alphie would at the very least have basic survival skills.

Uniform: The standard Duel Academy Ra Yellow uniform.

Duel Disk: The standard issue Duel Academy Duel Disk given to all new students

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Duel Disk: The standard issue Duel Academy Duel Disk given to all new students.

Duel Disk: The standard issue Duel Academy Duel Disk given to all new students

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Card Binder: What Alphie uses to keep his spare cards safe.

Card Binder: What Alphie uses to keep his spare cards safe

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Deck Box: What Alphie uses to hold his dueling deck.

Guitar: A gift given to him for his 12th birthday that used to belong to his mother

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Guitar: A gift given to him for his 12th birthday that used to belong to his mother.

PowersSpirit Sight: Alphie is one of the rare few people with the ability to see and interact with Duel Spirits

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Spirit Sight: Alphie is one of the rare few people with the ability to see and interact with Duel Spirits.

Love Interest

Love Interest???

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