Day 2

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I look at the incubators, it has been two days since they were born. It is still hard to believe we have twins; a boy and a girl. They will probably have to move so they have room for their three children. Tomura will be so excited....hopefully the twins survive. They have to, for Inko and I, please save them. Save Inko, save Izuku, save Sora. I look down as I notice my phone vibrate; a message from Bakugou Mitsuki, Inko's best friend. I take a deep breath and open the message.

'Where the hell are you!? Why haven't you called yet!?' ~ Mitsuki

I flinch at the messages, I can hear her angry voice in my head. So much happened that I forgot to message her. Her anger is justified, that means Tomura is probably also worried beyond belief. I should have messaged, Misuki is still recovering from giving birth only two weeks ago.

'I am sorry Mitsuki, things have been hectic....a lot has happened. ~Hisashi'

After hitting send, I look back over to my children. They are still breathing steadily, heart rate is normal and the oxygen level is stable. I sigh, I haven't slept since before all of this. I can't sleep, how could I? Their condition could turn for the worse at any moment. The nurses, Aki and Nasu, have been keeping me updated on Inko's condition. She is stable and getting blood transfusion to help with the blood loss she suffered. I know the staff here will do better than the last general hospital, here at least I am safe from being arrested. I need to stay safe for the sake of my family. I look down again and open the new message.

'What happened? If it is too much to text, call me now! ~Mitsuki'

I look over at the incubators, I cannot leave the room to make this call, I need to be here. But I also need to let Mitsuki know what is going on before she blows up and tracks me down. I dial her number and press call, I will just need to be quiet and tell Mitsuki to do th-

"Fucking finally!!" Mitsuki sneers loudly. "What is going on!? Why isn't Inko at Musutafu General Hospital!? Where are you!?"

I grimace and quickly look at the twins, I see them both squirm a little on their pillows but nothing more. I sigh as they settle back down.

"Mitsuki, please, lower your voice," I whisper. "I am in Tanima Memorial Hospital, they were the only ones who could save Inko, Izuku and Sora."

"You are there!? Why the he- wait, did you say Inko, Izuku AND Sora?"

"Yes, I....I couldn't believe it either, we have twins....a son and daughter...."

"Oh my god....twins? H-how did Inko take it?"

"She.....she hasn't seen them," I stutter. "She' a coma from the blood loss. She would've died if I didn't get her here as fast as I did."

"W-what....she's in a coma? Please....please tell me she is at least recovering."

"The nurses said she is stable, receiving blood transfusions," Hisashi informs. "I have been in the NICU this entire time with the twins....Mitsuki, they are so small..."

"Deep breaths, they will be okay. I know they will be. They are your kids and you're a stubborn bastard. We will come to visit soon, I know Tomura wants to see his brother...I will keep his sister a secret so I can get his reaction on video. Inko will want to watch it when she wakes up."

"Thank you Mitsuki, I know you have done a lot for us. Please let Tomura everything is okay here, we will be-"

Suddenly the heart monitor for Izuku's heart starts to blare loudly. I snap my head to the monitor and I feel my heart stop. The nurses and doctors run in and go to Izuku, I can barely hear anything as my ears ring. No....please no! Not my son....not Izuku!

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