Bliss in Death

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"Good. Now take off your clothes."
I shoot my eyes to Ciels face. He looks deadly serious. My clit starts throbbing again and I'm inclined to listen just this once.
Lifting my chin, I reach down, letting my hair fall around me, and grab the hem of my dress. Looking up at Ciel I start to slowly lift it inch by inch, teasing him.
Ciel smirks, like he knows my game, and leans against the door folding his arms across his chest, like he has all the time in the world.
I slowly straighten, taking my dress with me. Exposing my thighs, covered in swirls of ink, then my panty clad pussy, the lace I'm sure doing little to hide how wet and swollen I am. Tugging my gown up over my stomach where my tattoos continue up over my hips wrapping around my lower abdomen, then creeping up my back to around my collar bone swirling down my arms onto my fingertips.
I pull the dress over my head before I lose my nerve baring my black lace panties and bra to him. Daring to look into his eyes, I see them darker than ever, the fire in the room roaring inside their depths.
I trace my fingertips over my hips down to my thighs and back up over my stomach in a suggestive gesture, trying to entice Ciel to move from his frozen stance beside the door.
"Get on the bed." His voice is like gravel, sending a hotline down to my aching pussy and I follow his lead and head for the massive bed against the other wall.
I climb onto the black as night covers and crawl to the top. Flipping over I lay down on my back with one knee pulled up and falling slightly open.
Ciel walks slowly towards me, stalking me like prey. His hands go to his hoodie, unzipping it and showing me what's underneath for the first time.
He pulls the hoodie off revealing a set of massive shoulders and a taunt stomach encased in a black wife beater. My mouth goes dry. Gods damn he's glorious. He lifts the hem of his shirt smirking at me as he oh so slowly drags the shirt up over his stomach, revealing a set of abs that would make Greek gods cry in anguish. I smile at the little game he's playing as revenge on me. Except I don't mind. It's like Christmas and I love presents. Watching him unwrap himself for me is the most erotic gift I've ever received.
His strong, broad shoulders ripple with power as he pulls the shirt over his head tossing it to the floor. His hands rubs down his chest and stomach to stop at the button of his jeans. I lift my eyebrow in challenge, silently daring him to continue his little strip tease.
Ciel smirks and flicks the button open, pulling the zipper down inch by agonising inch. I lick my lips and watch his fingers with rapt fascination.
He flips off the boots on his feet and pulls his jeans down. Bending down so I can't see anything, I try to wait patiently. When he stands back up, he's now clad in only briefs, black of course. I'm sensing a theme here. His erection pushing against the cotton that's straining to hold him back. My mouth drops into a little O. He's huge. Even though I can't see his dick entirely, I have serious doubts about that fitting into my much smaller body judging from the outline I can see.
Ciel strides to the bed, putting one knee on the mattress, he grabs my ankle, startling me, and pulls me toward him.
"Open for me, love" he demands in his deep voice.
"Ciel, I don't know. I don't think you'll fit?" I whisper, hesitantly.
Ciel chuckles. "I'll fit don't worry, love."
I want to trust him. This man I just met. So I open my legs wide making space for his much larger frame.
        Placing his hands on either side of my body Ciel leans down and kisses me. My eyes slide closed as I get lost in the feeling of his mouth on mine and the knowledge that nothing is stoping us this time.
      Ciel moves to my neck licking my pulse point in that way that makes me moan low in my throat. "Do you know how gods damned beautiful you are? My dick got hard the minute I saw you. Your fiery little temper made it hotter."
       My cheeks heat at the praise and I look at the ceiling. Ciel grabs my chin in his firm grip and pulls my eyes to his. "I mean it, Mina. You are the most beautiful, brave, determined woman I've ever met."
      My nervousness melts away at his incredibly uncharacteristically sweet words. I reach up and lay my palm against his cheek "Ciel." I grab the back of his neck and pull his sinful mouth back to mine.
      He kisses me slowly, almost lazily, like he's in no rush at all. Like he wants to savour me. I don't try to hurry it along like I have with lovers in the past. I want to savour him too.
       Ciel glides his hand up over my rib cage to my breast and my breath catches. He squeezes my breast gently and pulls the lace cup down, letting the pale globe fall into his hand. When his rough thumb flicks over my hard nipple we both moan.
       He gives the other side the same treatment. And I'm arching against his hand. Seeking more. Always more. He kisses my neck again and this time he keeps going down until he reaches my breast his hot breath fans across my nipple making me groan in a tortured voice. Ciel licks across my taunt nipple before pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it. My back arches off the bed as I try to get more of my breast into his hot mouth.
       He kisses across my chest to my other tit and gives it the same attention. I'm writhing under him now. "Please Ciel!" I cry out in need.
       Ciel chuckles. "Greedy, sweet girl." But he obliges me by sliding his hand against the outside of my panties. I gasp sharply and arch into his hand seeking the contact I need so badly. He runs his fingers lightly up and down the front of my soaking wet lace and then sits up. Hooking his fingers into the waistband at my hips he slides my panties down, I lift my ass to help him. I want him to touch me so badly I'm far past inhibition.
       Ciel drops to his knees on the floor pulling me further down the bed. He looks up at me from between my thighs. "Now, love, hold very still while I make you beg for my cock."

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