Deadly Ecstasy

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Ciel is driving me wild. I feel like I'm losing my sanity in this moment. Ciels tongue swipes across my nipple one more time before he starts kissing his way down my body, flicking his tongue in little swipes across my ribs, my stomach, my hip.
Between the little kisses and sudden licks of his smooth tongue I was on fire. Consumed with a need unlike anything I had ever felt before. "Ciel" I moan out between gasping, "please, please"
"You taste so sweet, Mina" Ciel groans as he licks along my inner thigh. I feel him blow across my swollen, wet Centre and I jump. Ciel snakes his hands across my thighs pinning me to the bed. "Hold still, little one" his words whisper against my oh so sensitive flesh.
"Ciel" I moan, unable to think of a single word beyond his name. The first swipe of his tongue goes from the top of my swollen clit down through my folds and has me arching off the bed.
Ciel groans like I'm the sweetest thing he's ever tasted. "Gods, Mina, your finer than any wine to ever touch my lips. I'm going to drink you down, little one." I can't help but squirm at his words.
I look down to see his molten eyes watching me. Staring into my eyes he licks along my clit in the most obscene and dirty way that makes wetness gush from me. He smirks at me and then starts to lick me with vigour. I moan, I cry out, gods it's intense. Every lick is pushing me closer and closer towards the edge of bliss.
Ciel finds a particularly sinful spot at the bottom of my clit and I cry out loudly and grip his hair in my fingers, needing to anchor myself. Ciel shows no mercy. He licks and sucks on my clit until my legs are trembling and I'm on the cusp of the biggest orgasm of my existence.
Ciel flattens his tongue and works my clit softly and I'm lost. I scream and Ciel clamps his hands down on my thighs, not allowing me to move. My back arches off the bed as wave after wave of coma inducing pleasure sears my nerve endings. Ciel doesn't stop even when the flood of pleasure begins to die down, he keeps licking me, wringing ever single ounce of pleasure from the nub. Once the aftershocks die off and I'm no longer giving him tiny spasms, he kisses my pussy softly and climbs up my body. I reach for him, wanting to feel his skin against mine.
He's kneeling over me, his legs between mine, as he kisses my neck. "Mina, I want to fuck you." He whispers against my neck. I shiver as excitement and trepidation race through my veins in equal measure.
"Yes, Ciel" I reach down between us and grasp his magnificent cock through his briefs. He's so deliciously hard and even though I'm nervous I want him so much. I put my hand on his chest and push him back. Ciel leans back onto his knees and looks at me confused. I sit up onto my knees and kiss his beautiful mouth keeping my hand on his chest and pushing him down. "Lay down" I whisper against his lips.
Ciel wraps his arms around my waist and falls backwards taking me with him. I giggle at the unexpected movement. Ciel looks awed for minute. "That's a beautiful sound, love" he says softly.
I duck my head, my cheeks heating. "Thank you" i whisper. I gather my confidence and look into Ciels beautiful stormy eyes. He stares into me with a souls piercing gaze and I find myself leaning into him and brushing my fingertips across his cheek. His eyes flutter closed at the contact breaking the spell and I remember my mission from earlier. Bring him to his knees. Make this man beg me.
I kiss his neck at the point I like to be kissed on mine and work my way down his body. My hair falls around us and lays on his stomach once I reach his massive erection.
I look up from under my lashes and find Ciel watching me intently. I run my fingernails lightly over his inner thighs and up his hardness. I watch his mouth form an O and hear his quick intake. Determination sets into me.
Following his earlier lead, I hook my fingers into his waistband and tug his briefs down, taking care to pull the waistband over his impressive erection.
Ciel is now naked and my eyes gobble him up. He's so beautiful. I want to lick every inch of him. I want him to beg me. I lick down the side of his enormous length as I wrap my hand around him. I can't even get my hand all the way around him he's so thick. Ciel drops his head back on a groan and I feel emboldened. I want to do this. I want him to scream my name the way he made me scream his.

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