Second Chance

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****.                                                    ****


The dimly lit basement, a forsaken corner of their friend's wedding venue, imprisons Samrat and Kiran. Years of unresolved issues hang heavy in the air as they desperately attempt to break free from this makeshift prison. For half an hour now.

Kiran, agitated, paces back and forth, while Samrat, subdued, sits on a worn-out couch. Laughter and music from the joyous wedding upstairs serve as a bitter reminder of their isolation.

"I left my phone with Divia. Dial Raghav; he'll help us," Kiran demands.

"I forgot mine too," Samrat confesses.

Kiran shoots him a judgmental look. "How can you forget your phone, Samrat?"

"Because, like everyone, I'm human. You forgot yours too," he retorts.

Kiran vents her frustration. "You always have a way of shifting blame to me. Every problem, according to you, is my fault."

Perplexed, Samrat questions, "What are you talking about?"

"Everything – our marriage, our life, this lock, our dreams – it's all my fault," Kiran asserts, holding back tears.

Guilty, Samrat attempts to defend himself, but Kiran interrupts with a resentful outburst.

"You're getting on my nerves, Samrat!" Kiran exclaims.

Confused, Samrat asks, "What did I do?"

"You started it all. You changed, and I didn't," Kiran accuses.

"Changed? Tell me what changed about me," Samrat challenges.

"Everything, Samrat. Everything. I'm not even sure if the person I'm talking to is the same one I married," Kiran says tearfully.

You have changed too I am also not sure if you are the same person that I once loved

"What do you mean Samrat, by once loved, ohh I guess this is the source of the problem then you have fallen out of love huh" Kiran wanted to sound strong but she ended up crying and Samrat ended up feeling guilty for what he said I the heat of the moment.

Samrat, feeling the weight of the situation, falls silent. After a prolonged silence, Kiran apologizes for her emotional outburst.

"No need to apologize. We should talk. We've avoided it for too long," Samrat suggests.

"No, Samrat we are not talking, you're getting on my nerves. Kiran shouts.

Perplexed, Samrat defends himself, "What? What did I do?"

"Out of nowhere, you say, 'let's talk about it,' as if it's so easy. Don't forget, Samrat, you started all this. You changed. Why did you change Samrat what happened after we got married?"

Samrat falls silent having nothing to answer.

As Kiran calms down, she suggests they talk. But They sit in silence for over half an hour until Kiran breaks it.

"Irritated, stuck in a basement with you. Just my luck," Kiran mocks.

"Yeah, God, has a funny way of throwing us curveballs," Samrat deadpans.

Kiran, frustrated, accuses him of making jokes in their dire situation. Samrat, sincerely apologizes, acknowledging their unraveling relationship.

Kiran, sarcastically, dismisses the idea of signs, unable to see a way out of their mess. Samrat, earnestly, refuses to believe their connection is lost and reminisces about their past.

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