Chapter four

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"Okay listen up, who can solve this equation: x squared minus bracket five times closed bracket plus six equals zero?" asked Mr Jackson but there was no respond.

"Anyone...seriously, okay one last time, first you find a factor of..."

"Pssst." Ryan whispered to Alex "Dude, did you hear about what happened to Ben?"

"Yeah, he's suspended for a week" responded Alex.

"Do you guys mind? I'm trying to concentrate here" George said in a low tone as he adjusted his seat.

"Shut up, nerd.'' Ryan retorted.

"I'm not a nerd" snapped George,"Can't you just be quiet?"

"Mind your own business" Ryan retorted once again.

"Ryan!" Mr Jackson called "Since you enjoy disrupting the class so much, how about you come up to the board and solve the next equation" he gestures him to come forward.

      Ryan stared furiously at George for a moment and then cracks his knuckles
"I'll get you back for this."

       He walks up to the board and stares blankly at the equation.

"Go on, solve it" said Mr Jackson as he handed Ryan the marker.

         Ryan takes the marker and to everyone's surprise he began solving the equation. After about five minutes of intense calculation he was finally done, he handed the marker back to Mr Jackson and confidently strolled to his seat.

"Wrong!" said Mr Jackson.

Ryan turned around with a confused expression.

"Your solving is absolutely wrong" said Mr Jackson with an unimpressed look.

       George chuckled and put up his hand "Excuse me, sir, may I solve the question."

"Sure, come up to the board" George walked forward and solved the equation with ease.

"You see? finally someone was paying attention!"exclaimed Mr Jackson in a praising tone.

      George walked back to his seat with a smirk on his face, while Ryan glared angrily at him.

"Okay everyone, take down your assignment" Mr Jackson ordered.

     Everyone groaned in frustration as they reluctantly copied down the questions written on the board.
"All assignments should be submitted first thing tomorrow morning in my office" said Mr Jackson "Class dismissed!"

      *                          *                        *

        Everyone rushed to their lockers.
"Chemistry class starts in two minutes!" Stephen exclaimed.

"First person to get there gets 30 bucks." said Gordon as he hung his cream hoodie on his shoulder.

"Challenge accepted!" agreed Stephen.

They ran through the hallway.

Stephen's long hair swayed about in the mild breeze.

"Just be ready to pay up" Gordon said in a proud tone.

"I'll see you at the finish line" Stephen responded.

Suddenly Gordon dashed forward, but unfortunately tripped and fell flat on the tiled floor, Stephen laughed and then zoomed of to chemistry class, as he approached the door he turned back to Gordon and said, "I want my payment on Monday.", he then walked into class with a satisfied grin on his face.

     *                         *                        *                                       
The bell rung, school's finally over. Iris is packing some books into her bag when her minions approach her.

"Iris darling, we have to go shopping for Carla's party, we don't have much time." Francisca said.

"I'm not going to some dumb birthday party." Iris responded in a retortful tone.

"But Iris, take this as an oppurtunity" persuaded Sophia.

"You can get revenge on Carla for what happened at Bethany's.''

"You two are the only ones who know the truth." sighed Iris.

"And you know we'll always do our best to make sure that the truth gets out someday."

"Fine, at least it's an excuse to go shopping" sighed Iris.

"There's always an excuse to go shopping" smiled Francisca as she held Iris' hand, "Come on let's go."

"We can go this Friday after school." Sophia said cheerfully.

Sophia dropped of some books in her locker and held Iris' hand, ''I haven't seen Benjamin in a while, do you know what happened?" she asked.

"I heard he was suspended for strangling Harvey during gym class." Iris responded.

"Well that's too bad" said Sophia in a sarcastic tone.

     Iris looked at her with a confused facial expression, ''What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well honestly I think he deserved it" responded Sophia.

"I don't think so." huffed Iris.

"So your defending Benjamin?" asked Francisca with an eyebrow raised.

    They both looked at Iris with questioning expressions.

"No, of course not, I just think that...never mind, let's just go." she stuttered.

    They walked through the hallway and out of the school hand in hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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