Day 1 of many....

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A/N  her debut is the 5th May 2021

Pulling up to the Daily's place, Anastasia looked at the building and sighed loudly, her stomach in knots, noticing the anxiety radiating from her, Karma looked at her husband then back to her best friend & declared " you've got this Annie... you know you have " , still glancing at the building, Anna replied back " have I Karm? then why do I feel an extreme sickness right down in the deepest depths of my stomach!!"as she put h er head on the steering wheeI to try and centre herself "I can't do it....." "we are not letting you give up on the opportunity of a lifetime just because he is here and you're scared!" Beau exclaimed, trying to egg his friend out of her anxiety "who said I was scared!?" "that's our girl, I know the idea of potentially seeing him is making you feel like your whole world is on the point of collaspe, but remember ... we have never let you down before & we aren't gonna start now. We are right here Annie, and we aren't going to leave you or the princess alone for one second... unless you want us too" Bear smiled, thankful he had gotten through to her . Knowing that her family were right (even if it was something that she didn't like to admit), Anastasia took a couple more deep breaths and put her mask back on , turning around in her seat to face the little girl that had saved her life on multiple occasions, she gently cooed as s she painted a smile onto her face whilst her daughter begin to wake from her nap" wakey wakey little bean. We made it, we are in momma's idea of hell.-where even Uncle Beer makes more sense"" "will you behave?" Bear warned"' besides. peanut is on my side.. arent you" high firing the little girl before he tickled her chin. After getting out of the car and unbuckling the half asleep toddler from her carset, the woman kissed both of Melrose's cheeks as she picked her up and exclaimed as cheerfully as she could fake " right then little Miss Rose, lets get you inside and fed shall we .... hold onto Wolfie" smiling as her daughter grabbed onto the plush wolf that her Uncle Beau had given her before looking at her surroundings and babbling. Whilst the mother & daughter cuddled, the three member of her family knew what she was doing and Boheme (not only her best friend but Hair & MUA) stated "you don't have to put the mask on you know... we know you. We can read you like a book " as Bear took one of her bags out of the trunk "if it gets me through this then it's staying on. ESPECIALLY if he finds out I'm here.. I can't crumble like I used to ". After making their way in, the-patchwork family • were met by a security guard who had been waiting with a smile on his face, , a sight that confused all four of the adults" can I help you?" Annie asked with a smile, subconsciously holding her daughter closer  " hello, sorry I know this is a bit bizzare everything is okay, I'm sorry if my appearance startled you, I've been asked to escort you to TK's office and then to your personal locker room when you are done" the security guard exclaimed "no I'm sorry. If I'm honest I wasn't expecting you to be waiting" Annie smiled, her grip loosening on her daughter a tiny bit "however,  it's all of us or none of us I'm afraid" Karma smiled to the grinning man who was waving at Melrose and pulling faces, the giggle making her mom smile and relax "you have nothing to worry about on that front, I have been briefed over everything already" the man smiled before helping Bear with some the bags' that both the woman and her team had brought with them.

As they walked to the woman's new bosses office, Anastasia, even with her anxiety battling to erupt, couldn't help but smile as she looked at the expression written clearly over her daughter's face as she took in her new surroundings, just like she had done on all the adventures they had had and it was a look that even at a very young age told Annie that she was going to walk in her mom's footsteps. In her very short life, Melrose had been to a number of her mothers matches all over the world with her Aunties and Uncle in tow and the one thing that she had always loved was being at a show and being spoiled by her other ' Aunties and Uncles' who had accepted them instantly Without any questions about her situation, so when it came to signing a contract, she knew that being around new wrestlers (and some of her favourites) that her daughter was going to be fine, plus she would still see the' indie uncles & Aunties' on the regular thanks to the contract negotiations Anna had put in with help of her lawyer . After eventually finding the door they needed the security guard they had found out was called Sam declared " and here we are", looking at the woman he saw as a sister completley zoned out , Bear sighed and slapped her arm " sorry. Away with the fairies" "we are here, go straight in and then once you need me again, I'll show you to your locker room " " thank you" Boheme smiled, knowing Ana was still not fully with them "no problem" Sam smiled, making the woman blush. Looking at the door handle unsure of what was that was stopping her from actually going through it, Boheme exclaimed quietly from behind her, noticing her shaking hand and putting hers on top "you have this Stace...I promise you ", taking a deep breath Ana knocked and then opened the door, as she did she smiled as she was met by not only Tony Khan but both Massie brothers and Tyson Smith "Anastasia, it's a pleasure to see you again & this must be Little Miss Melrose you were telling us all about, it's a pleasure to meet you too"Tony declared. As Melrose grinned, Bear asked "you gonna wave & say hi Melly girl? " as her mom hoisted her onto her hip more whilst she waved, but as she did, Nick noticed something in the little girls eyes that reminded him of someone that he and everyone in that room knew but he couldn't pictured who for the life of him . After the little girl had made friends with everyone in the room, Tony looked at the child and exclaimed with a smile" actually Miss Melrose, we have got you a little present " "you didn't have to do that Tony " Stacie said "we wanted to, besides it's quickly become a tradition"he laughed as he grabbed a stuffed, tiny version of Duvall and passed it to the little girl whose smile made everyone's heart warm "oh wow Rosie girl, look at what you got" wiggling in her mom's arm with the toy in her grasp, Melrose reached out and Tony gave her a hug " you are very welcome "he replied . Looking at the four men , Anastasia smiled and exclaimed honestly " I know that I have told you all before, but I just wanted to say thank you you all for being so understanding about my situation and working with me and my lawyer.. I know that my situation isn't exactly...normal but you have all been so helpful and understanding", as Nick passed her a bottle of water as Karma took Melrose, TK smiled and replied "hey, I want you to think nothing of it okay... in this company , we are all family , from young to old: we would do the same for anyone. " as Nick added " besides, from a business standpoint, we'd be mad to not sign you. We all think that you are the whole package... you are amazing in and out of the ring and your mic skills are probably the most perfected I have heard in a long time, how long did you say you had been competing for again? " " on and off for the last 4 or so years.. having Rose funnily enough never stopped me ", the woman smiled. As Tyson watched Stacie, he was even more quiet then he usually was when it came to meeting like this with the new roster members, he was feeling feelings that he hadn't felt in a long time , in fact if ever and as he watched the woman not only interact with everyone on the room, but also her daughter but also took in how elegantly she carried herself and how stunning she looked and he felt himself becoming more and more shy.

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