The What ifs?

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Watching her sleeping daughter in her travel cot taking a nap whilst Boheme made a start on her makeup for her massive debut , Anastasia sighed loudly as she tried to fight back the tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Ever since the day that she had given birth to Melrose, every nap and every sleep she had had, all Annie had been able to see was her father inner facial expressions as just to add more pain she was feeling, their daughter had inherited, everything from his mannerisms to the way that her bottom lip stuck out just like his ... she was the spitting image of him & it had always been something that broke her heart & soul . When she had been in bed alone (especially during the newborn phase) , Ana had always found her brain wonder ing about the what if s or the what would've beens if they'd stayed together, she imagined how protective he'd be of his daughter & how at night she would walk in on them in their bed with Melrose asleep on his big chest and he protected her with the same arms he once protected her in . As Ana stared seemingly into space, Bear glanced over and noticed the unshed tears and elbowed his wife who asked the woman with a gentle yet firm tone " Wren? you okay?" , instantly snapping out of her thought process, Ana admitted, knowing there was no use lying "I am just wondering how I am going to handle him being here and if he ends up finding out about her how he is going to act. Regardless of anything else , she has saved me in so many ways, so many times in her short little life,  I just feel like having her here that I am throwing her to the wolves. When he sees her, he is going to know everything.. However much I wanna hide her " the brunette sighed and carried on as Bo began her eyes " it is just making me second guess if coming here was a mistake a little bit thats all". Knowing exactly where their sister's mindset currently was, all three members of her family began the task of a mini intervention " Wren, he isnt going to find out about her until you are ready because we aren't going to let him get anywhere near you or Rose, you trust me right.. you know that I 've never let you done before right Wren? you deserve to be here..please don't let him ruin this for you" Beau exclaimed " Bear it isnt that easy, if it was just me I could handle it, I could just walk away from him if I could I just... Im scared ..I dont want her hurt, me I don't care about... after everything I'm just numb after everything he has done...". As her anxiety attack kicked in with a vengence, Karma came forward and sat in front of her childhood best friend & exclaimed after calming her down " Annie, you have been through so much in your life , especially since having the princess , but if nothing else goes in right now, you need to know this ..we haven't let you down before, and we arent going to ever... we are family and that means good and bad we are stuck together".

After another 30 minutes or so of the family members talking and after calming Anniedown, the mother smiled as she heard an excited babble and slight movement come from behind her "is that my Rose up" she asked as Bo worked on her hair " Mama" "come her little one" Bear smiled, picking her up and putting her on her mom's lap for snuggles "did you have a good nap" " Ba" "I will take that as a yes little one, but I think that someone might need changing" "I'll do it" Kaia smiled, picking her niece up" come on stinker that get my Rose flower smelling all nice again ". As TV was close to beginning , Anastasia was finally starting to feel like herself once again as more and more her look was becoming complete, finally gone were her anxieties & nerves over everything and in they're place was the feeling of both excitement and anticipation. Even with how she was emotionally feeling, with how amazing she looked thanks to her best friend, she knew that there was no way in hell that after all of her preparing and the work that she had put in, that she was going to let anyone or anything ruin this day for her. When they heard a knock at her locker room door, she smiled as she heard from outside "It's only The Elite", nodding at Beau to let them in, she smiled as her daughter lit up as she saw new friends walk in "we just wanted to check up on you,  make sure that you arent too nervous" " nope.. no nerves at all whatsoever" Anna grinned, an action that made Tyson's heart flutter " Nyxie is in the room now.. if you'd have come in here about 30 minutes or so ago.. it would've been a different story" Kaia laughed as Melrose clapped " and is this little one okay?" Tyson asked as he pulled a face at the baby, making her giggle and babble in her Aunt Karma's arms " shes fine, she's a dab hand at the whole backstage environment". As The Elite took a seat, Nick exclaimed with a laugh "I was going to actually say to you she is probably one of the best littles i have ever seen backstage.. what's the secret? " Nick laughed " she's been at shows ever since she was about 5 months, being around them has become second nature. It helps having my family around me too mind you. That's why I was so greatful to TK for being so understanding with my situation .. " " there's nothing to thank us for... he has been super impressed with what you have done inside of the ring, outside of the ring too with your side hustles, with everything you have had going on, it's proven how much of a hard worker you are. So trust us ,  giving you something small like your family being here to help backstage is nothing to him" Matt smiled. After realising what the time was, the EVPs made their way back to the production area and gave the woman the privacy she needed to finish getting herself ready, looking at the woman after fluffing up her hair and adding any touch ups needed , Bo smiled proudly & exclaimed " you are ready baby" "thanks Bo.. you have killed it as per" " we actually have another little surprise for you.. turn around"Kaia exclaimed. Unable to hide her confusion, , the woman did as she was told to & as they made eye contact, Anna instantly began to well up as she saw her daughter in an outfit similar to what her mom wore in ring normally... complete with her hat, combat boots & leather jacket" wow. When did you do this?" "when the negotations first started happening. We had a feeling you'd need a little something to make you smile" Kaia smiled as Bo added "you can hide how nervous you truly feel from everyone else but we know you.We will all be waiting backstage for you ..especially this little bean who will be waiting to give you a hug when you come backstage ". As Ana looked at her daughter in her custom merch shirt and little leather jacket, she smiled and exclaimed "she better be backstage. how is anyone going to see how cute she looks if she is at" "that's a girl.. it it all work out Wren "Bear winked. Meanwhile, 'the EVP's made their way back to production and as they did, Nick addressed the elephant in the room "SO... Anastasia ?" "so Anastasia what?" Tyson asked with a smile and confusion in his voice "that.. exactly that. It's just nice to see you smiling" Matt added" and not shy" "she's a special soul" Tyson once again grinned with a shrug "I don't think that we have ever seen you so unanxious around someone so quickly... all we are saying is that it's nice to see, that's all "Nick added.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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