Chapter 11-15

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Chapter 11

  People around were talking a lot. Xu Yan stood nearby for a while and heard more information about the 1803 neighbors.

  Mrs. Zhao's son Lin Jianbin drives a taxi. The weather was bad today and he didn't want to drive out. But he didn't expect a customer to pay a big price, so he decided to take a risk.

  He was very careful when seeing people off when he got out of the car. Who knew that when he got back to the gate of the community and relaxed, he collided with another oncoming car. The people in that car were gone. Lin Jianbin was lucky. He is in better condition than that man, he still has one breath left, but if the ambulance is delayed again, it will be hard to say...

  Fortunately, just when everyone was talking about it, the series of urgent but reassuring sirens finally sounded from far away.

  "Here it comes! The ambulance is here!"

  "Quickly, give way, don't block the cars coming!"

  "Quick! Stay away! All irrelevant people should leave..."

  Some kind-hearted people shouted loudly in the heavy fog.

  The crowd suddenly became confused.

  Xu Yan also pushed the shopping cart and turned towards the community, leaving the scene of the incident.

  When she first read the book, because Ji Qingning was the heroine, all the plots in the book revolved around Ji Qingning, and other things were brushed aside.

  Just like the car accident that she encountered unintentionally today, there was no record in the book, but Xu Yan thought about it carefully. When the high temperature was about to occur later, she seemed to have briefly mentioned that it was Mrs. Zhao's family. He sold his house and went to live with his relatives. At that time, Lin Jianbin was still alive, but it seemed that he was missing a leg.

  If these can be connected in series, then Lin Jianbin will not die today, but he will lose a leg due to a car accident, and finally be forced to sell his house and leave here under the extremely bad natural disaster environment.

  Xu Yan pushed the shopping cart back home while thinking about the plot in her mind. When she heard the key to open the door in the house, the little squirrel immediately jumped off the shelf and squatted next to the dish very consciously, waiting to be fed.

  Xu Yan looked at the squirrel's familiar movements with some amusement. She made an exception and was generous. She took out a whole bag of peanuts from the shopping cart, cut the bag open, waved her hand and signaled to a certain squirrel: "Today is a buffet."

  She said this, but the little squirrel would not be polite to her, and jumped into the pocket in a few moments. Only the big tail that was exposed and swaying slightly showed that it was very satisfied at the moment.

  That night, the relevant departments issued a notice stating that due to unknown heavy fog, all urban road sections in Qingshi were prohibited from traveling by all vehicles, and citizens were advised to avoid going out as much as possible.

  Xu Yan didn't care after reading the message. She didn't plan to make another trip to return the shopping cart anyway, and she didn't plan to go out again in the past two days.

  Since she bought a treadmill from a community group, she has been forcing herself to run for a while every day. In the past few days, she has gradually increased her running from five kilometers to seven kilometers.

  After each exercise, her body felt much lighter. She was determined to stick to it. After all, good health would give her more money to survive.


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