Chapter 31-35

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Chapter 31

  When the outdoor temperature dropped below zero for the first time, Xu Yan looked at the number on the thermometer and thought, Fan Yue and the others might have returned home successfully.

  There was no centralized heating in the shelter, so when the weather got cold, she would start to burn the stove to maintain the indoor temperature. However, burning the fire would produce ash, making it difficult to clean in the bedroom, so she placed the stove in the living room and the desk climbing frame in the bedroom. They all moved out again and placed the little squirrel's nest next to the stove.

  When heating, you can also put a kettle on the stove to boil water. When the water boils, put it into the space to store it, and then replace it with a kettle of cold water to continue boiling. Anyway, there is no harm in storing more boiling water.

  Time passes day by day. Although there are many people living in the two rooms at the end of the corridor, there will be chaos sooner or later after it stabilizes. During the day, they all go out to work, and the entire eighteenth floor is still quite peaceful. Peacefully, Xu Yan gradually adapted to it.

  Every five or six days, she would go down to take out the garbage during the day when there were few people in the community. For her, the advantage of having a shelter management is that someone would finally clean up the garbage downstairs regularly. Now, the smell around the community has been reduced a lot.

  After the weather got cold, she spent more time at home. After Xu Yan watched all the videos on the tablet that she had downloaded before, she began to think about the book she got back from Uncle Qi, and slowly The more I read it, the more I discovered that what Uncle Qi said makes sense. The more boring and serious the book, the more enjoyable it is to read.

  At seven or eight in the morning, the sound of messy footsteps and chatter came from the corridor as usual. It lasted for more than half an hour before it became quiet outside.

  As soon as Xu Yan added charcoal fire to the stove and put a pot of water on it, she heard a knock on her door, and then she heard a voice outside the door: "Xu Yan, are you home?"

  Xu Yan stood up and walked toward the door. If she remembered correctly, it seemed like she hadn't seen Tan Xu for a long time.

  Why would you come here and knock on the door at this time?

  She opened the door and was even more surprised, because Tan Xu didn't come alone, and she was holding Tan Sisi who was carrying a small schoolbag.

  Xu Yan looked at the two people at the door: "What's wrong? What's the matter?"

  Tan Xu's expression was tense, and his eyebrows were a little serious: "I have something to trouble you about. Can you help me look after Sisi for a day? I will be back soon."

  Help with babysitting? Xu Yan's eyes showed surprise, how could the couple feel free to hand over their child to others... Her eyes moved, and her brain worked slowly for a few times, and suddenly it occurred to her that there seemed to be something like that A plot.

  It seems that at this time, Ji Qingning went to give Tan Xu's friend something that he had kept for him before, but something went wrong and he stayed away all night. Later, Tan Xu couldn't wait any longer at home, so he took it with him. ‌Tan Sisi went looking for it together.

  But now, because of her appearance, Tan Xu had one more choice. Instead of taking Tan Sisi on an adventure to find Ji Qingning, he asked her, a neighbor with whom he got along fairly well, to help look after the child.

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