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My legs are eventually leading me to Minho’s apartment. As I stand in front of the apartment door, I take a deep breath, hoping to muster some courage.

I press the doorbell and wait. My heart starts to pound as I anticipate Minho’s response.

The door swings open, but I'm unprepared for Minho’s cold stare, leaving me speechless as we both just stare at each other for a split second.

Minho, seemingly caught off-guard, gives me a sharp glare. “What do you want?” He retorts, his expression betraying no hint of warmth.

Feeling a bit disappointed by Minho's approach, I hesitate before speaking, "Minho, let's talk."

Minho crosses his arms, maintaining his defensive stance. "Talk about what? I already told you, it's just a stupid kiss. You're making it into a bigger deal than it is."

My frustration flares up again, but I keep my composure. "It's not just about the kiss, Minho. There's something else."

Minho scoffs. "What else could it be?" He says, rolling his eyes.

"Can I at least come in?" I reply, the cold air at night keeps seeping through the gap between us.

After a moment of tense silence, Minho reluctantly steps aside, allowing me to enter the apartment.

As the door closes behind us, the atmosphere inside mirrors the coldness outside. I take a seat on the edge of the couch, attempting to find the right words to break the awkwardness. Minho remains standing, arms still crossed, his eyes fixed on me.

"How are things with Jisung?" I ask, looking away from Minho as I know I didn't intend to ask the question at first place. I really am just trying to warm up the conversation.

My attempt to break the ice with a casual question about Jisung only seems to intensify the tension in the room. Minho's expression remains stoic as he replies curtly, "That's none of your business."

"Fair enough," I say, unfazed. "Let's cut to the chase." I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what is sure to be a difficult conversation. "Minho, I get it. You're upset. I am too. But avoiding the issue won't solve anything."

Minho leans against the wall, arms still crossed, and scoffs. "Why do you even care? It's not like you were supportive to begin with."

My frustration bubbles to the surface. "I care because we are friends, Minho. I thought our friendship meant something to you."

Minho shoots back, his tone biting, "Friends don't overreact to a simple request. You're the one turning this into a melodrama."

I cannot hold back my exasperation. "Melodrama? Minho, this is about basic respect and understanding. You can't just disregard the consequences of your actions."

Minho rolls his eyes. "You're acting like I committed a crime. It's just a kiss."

My patience is wearing thin. "It's not just about the kiss, Minho. It's about how you're treating our friendship. I thought we could talk about this and find a resolution."

Minho chuckles sarcastically. "Resolution? There's nothing to resolve. I asked for a favor, you blew it out of proportion, end of story."

I shake my head, disbelief in my eyes. "You're really going to dismiss our friendship like that? Over a so-called 'favor' that jeopardizes everything we had?"

Minho glares at me. "Maybe our friendship wasn't as strong as I thought. I don't need this drama."

Hurt and frustrated, I shoot back, "Drama? Minho, you're the one creating drama by avoiding the issue. Face it; we need to talk about what happened and figure out if our friendship can survive this."

Minho scoffs again, refusing to meet my eyes. "Survive? Sounds like you're making it sound more dramatic than it is. I don't owe you an explanation."

My tone turns stern. "You owe our friendship an explanation. Ignoring the problem won't make it disappear, Minho."

"Seungmin, you're acting like I committed some unforgivable sin. This is ridiculous."

As the verbal exchange continues, the air in Minho's apartment becomes charged with tension. I press on, determined to salvage what is left of our friendship, while Minho remains defiant, unwilling to acknowledge the depth of the situation.

"Minho, you're being ridiculous!" My frustration boils over as I blur out the words. "This is not just about a kiss. You don't want to face up to what you've done, so you're making light of the situation. You don't want to recognize the hurt you've caused, or take responsibility for your actions."

Minho's face tightens as he tries to control his irritation but fails desperately. He eventually walks forward, his temper reaching its boiling point. He stands inches away from me, a cold intensity in his eyes. As I brace myself for what Minho might say, his voice cuts through the tension.

"You know what, Seungmin?" Minho's words are sharp, each one laced with disdain. "Maybe I'm better off without a friend who can't handle a simple situation without turning it into a disaster."

My heart sinks at Minho's harsh words. The weight of the accusation hangs heavy in the air, and for a moment, all I can hear is the echoing silence that follows.

I'm left to contemplate Minho's words, the silence filling my ears like my thoughts fill my head. I can't bring myself to respond, and the words weigh my tongue heavier than a mountain. Minho is the first to break the silence.

Minho is still facing me, his face stone blank as he stares into the depths of my soul. The silence is heavy, and a tension hangs in the air. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, Minho speaks.

"Maybe I was a fool to call an outcast like you a friend."

My eyes widen at Minho's cutting remark, a mix of hurt and disbelief written across my face. The statement lingers in the air, and I struggle to find the right words to salvage the crumbling remnants of our friendship. The room feels colder, not just from the chill outside, but from the frost that has settled between us.

I didn't expect it to turn like this. I just want to be honest but it seems like my attempt at honesty has unraveled the threads of our friendship, leaving me grappling with the harsh reality that some wounds may be irreparable.

In the midst of the strained silence, I finally gather myself, my voice softer but determined. "Do you really want to know what you meant to me?"

My words hang in the air for a moment as Minho considers his response. "No, I don't."

Minho's answer is firm, his tone cold, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Then...maybe this will change your mind."

In a sudden, quick motion, I pull Minho by his shirt collar and pull him close, planting a firm, unexpected kiss on Minho's lips. The room falls into complete silence as the weight of the moment sinks in. My action is a mix of defiance, frustration, and a desperate attempt to bridge the emotional gap between us.

The sudden and unexpected kiss takes Minho by complete surprise, his body tensing in surprise and confusion as his lips are invaded by my warmth. The weight of the moment hangs heavy between us, and Minho is frozen in a state of disbelief. He doesn't know what to do or say, and his body's response is the complete opposite of what his mind is feeling. He physically can't bring himself to pull away.

As I break apart, Minho is left speechless, his eyes wide open in shock.

"I hope this clarifies everything," I answer, my eyes are teary and my voice trembles as I express the weight of emotions that have been bottled up for far too long.

When I turn to leave, Minho stands there in shock, his face still flushed. The gravity of my sudden action finally hits him, and Minho's heart races as he tries to process what just happened.

But I don't wait for Minho to respond. I open the door and walk out, leaving Minho alone to grapple with his emotions.

As minutes elapse, Minho remains rooted in the same spot, his body and mind still reeling from the recent events. His gaze fixates on the closed door, a whirlwind of unanswered questions and tumultuous emotions echoing in his mind.

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