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As I step out into the cold, rain-soaked night, I start my search for Seungmin. The raindrops cling to my coat, mirroring the turmoil in my mind. I walk through familiar streets, calling out his name in the quiet, empty air.

I check places we often hang out, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. The air is thick with tension as my search proves fruitless. Panic sets in, and I quicken my pace, retracing my steps with a growing sense of desperation.

Minutes turn into an eternity as I search every corner, every alley, hoping to catch a glimpse of Seungmin. My mind whirls with scenarios, and the worry intensifies. Did he go somewhere specific? Did he leave a clue? What if something happened to him? What if he's hurt or upset? As the questions echo in my head, drowning in the sound of rain, guilt pulses through me, urging me to find him and make things right.

But, as I reach the end of the neighbourhood with no luck, my heart sinks, and the weight of uncertainty presses down on me like a heavy cloak. Exhausted and soaked, finally, defeated and drenched, I decide to head back home with a heavy heart. The sense of guilt compounds with the dampness that clings to me.  My heart breaking and yearning, in search of a comfort.

Where's the heck are you, Kim Seungmin?

With a heavy heart, I hesitatedly force my leg to walk away. The fact that I have no idea of Seungmin's whereabouts scared me. I don't know what this feeling might be but it feels like a great loss and I feels empty without his presence.

As I was about to turn a corner and force a stop, my body freeze and stop moving as I looks in front and spot a silhouette ahead walking alone in the rain. Squinting through the rain, my heart skips a beat as I take a step cautiously and realise it's the one who I've been looking for.

"Seungmin!" I call out, my voice barely audible over the rain. He looks up, and with the quite far but not too far distance between us, our eyes meet, a mix of surprise and emotions reflected in his gaze as he saw me.

Without a word, I reach him, and the rain-soaked silence between us speaks volumes. I can see the exhaustion on his face, and as we stand there in the downpour, it becomes evident that words might not be enough.

""I was worried sick. Where's the hell were you?" I finally ask, the rain masking the vulnerability in my voice.

Seungmin looks down for a moment, raindrops dripping from his hair. His voice trembles slightly as he responds, "What are you doing here?" His words are barely audible over the pounding rain.

I reach out, gently placing a hand on his shoulder, feeling the tension in his muscles. "Of course I would come looking for you, dummy."

He nods, a small but grateful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. A moment of silence hangs in the air as Seungmin wrestles with his emotions. Finally, he meets my gaze, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and apology. "I'm sorry, Minho. I didn't mean to worry you. It's just...  I just needed some time alone, to clear my head."

As the rain continued to fall around us, I could feel a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that Seungmin was safe and beside me once again.

Unsure to say, refuse to apologise, we stand there in silence for a moment, the rain pouring down around us, before I decide to break the quiet with a sigh. "Let's go home, Seungmin. I'm tired of being out in the rain."

Honestly, I'm tired of this all this and yeah he's right. We need to communicate about it. About my problem and also his. Maybe, it's the best solution for both us.

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