The Meeting

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Zade's POV:

The raw track between the forest and humming was a peaceful place for me to take a walk. The sun was shining a bit, and the birds were chirping. However, my serenity was disrupted by the sound of footsteps and the rustling of bushes. I looked around but could not spot anyone. As I turned to continue my walk, I felt the presence of someone behind me. I quickly turned around, hoping to catch a glimpse of my followers, but they were too quick for me. I felt a chill run down my spine as I tried to make my way back to my cave, but my path was blocked by a young girl who emerged from the bushes in front of me.

Athena's POV:

I was wandering in the forest when I sensed the presence of someone else. I cautiously peeked out from my hiding spot and it seemed like he noticed me as well. I quickly retreated into the bushes and saw that the person had turned his back on me. I considered approaching him, but as I neared him, he abruptly turned around. I felt uneasy, so I hid once again and watched him from a distance. As I was about to leave, something unexpected happened...

"Hey you!" that person shouted, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I turned my back towards him and cursed under my breath. I knew I had to act fast to get out of this situation. "Shit," I whispered to myself. I could feel my heart racing as I looked for an escape route. I decided to ignore him and run. "Run, Athena, run!" I repeated to myself as I took off in a sprint. I could hear his footsteps closing in on me, but I didn't look back. I just ran as fast as I could, hoping to outrun him.

Zade's POV:

I yelled, 'Hey, you!' a bit too loudly and noticed her flinching. Suddenly, she started running away. I cursed under my breath and chased after her, worried that she might be coming back to harm me. As I sprinted after her, I wondered if she was from the same tribe as me or if she was a threat. To avoid making any noise, I transformed into my wolf self and followed her quietly. To my horror, I realized that she was heading towards the... FUCK!

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