Second Meeting

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Athena's POV:

it was quite early in the morning. I woke up Uncle Arno's (the leader of my tribe) visit. "is my princess up already?" he asked why gently caressing my head. I hummed with a pout. "what's with the sudden visit?" I questioned while half awake. "well... didn't you want to go hunting?" he said but stopped to see my eyes lightened up. he chuckled and continued, "So go get ready we are going hunting today." "Really?!" I asked with excitement visible in my voice. he nodded as I quickly hugged him tightly which he gladly returned, after a few seconds I pulled out from the hug and made my way towards my closet to get dressed as Uncle Arno waited outside my house. 


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after a long quiet walk, we stopped at one certain place. Suddenly I heard the bustling of the bushes. I nudged Uncle Arno while looking at the bushes. "what?--" Uncle Arno was cut off by the bushes moving again, I quickly took out my arrow and placed it on my bow as I aimed. And...

Bingo! Hit the bull's eye!

just when I shot the arrow into the bushes a loud groan came from it. I looked at Uncle Arno who marched towards the thing I just hit. After removing the bushes aside, my eyes widened when I saw...

it was him! The person who saved me from that vampire! what the hell is he doing here?! 

My eyes traveled from his face to the wound that I had just given him. he was crying for help. he looked at me and again started whining like a kid. I sighed as Uncle Arno started laughing while both I and that person watched him with confusion. How can someone laugh at a situation like this, "Uncle! it's not time to laugh! let's go we still have to hunt" I spoke completely ignoring the man who had fallen on the ground. I glanced at him one last time before walking away. "Princess! look he is injured and here you are telling me to leave him like this. Don't be so heartless and come help me take him to the tribe." Uncle Arno said with a demanding tone. Wait a minute but he is a werewolf! can't he just heal himself and walk away? and why shall we take a werewolf into my tribe?! "No uncle we are not taking him," I said angrily with a pout. 

"Hey, why are you being so rude?! You hit me with an arrow and didn't even apologize! And are also not ready to repay! How disrespecting!" That man spoke dramatically which I guess only I could recognize. Uncle Arno just sighed and went to help that man to get up. But even Uncle was weak and was about to drop him when I quickly held the man by his waist gently and pulled him up while Uncle gave me a sweet smile. I rolled my eyes as we started to walk toward our tribe. "by the way, what's your name dear?" Uncle asked to drop the awkward silence, that man smiled bitter-sweetly and said, "It's Za-- avian, Zavian sir!" he said while laughing nervously as I gave him a suspicious look.

Zade's POV:

"what's your name dear?" when that old man asked me, I smiled and said "It's Za--" Wait! I can't let them know my real name! "it's Za-- avian, Zavian sir!" I finally said while nervously laughing. the old man seemed convinced but not the girl with him, she gave me a suspicious look which I ignored as she kept her hand around my waist, her touch was gentle yet firm. "I am Arno, the leader of the human tribe, you can call me Uncle Arno." the old man-- I mean Uncle Arno said interrupting my thought as I hummed in reply to him when he added, "This is Athena, she is like daughter but also the most important person in this tribe. if you ever need help you can count on her." when uncle Arno introduced me to the girl who's name was Athena, was glaring at me, the glare said 'dare to come to me when no ones around, I will break every single bone that presents in you.' yeah I had to act scared but she caught my attention. 

after reaching the tribe, she placed me near the campfire. "where shall we keep him now?" Athena questioned. "keep him with the person who brought him to this situation." said a woman probably in her 50s while rolling her eyes. pure hatred was visible in her eyes but so strange, it was not for me but for Athena. Athena sighed and said, "Fine let him stay at my house, none of your life will be disturbed by him or me." she sounded tired probably by lifting me or the tension present between her and the old lady. she then came to me and wrapped my left hand around her shoulder her her hand sliding to my waist again as she picked me up and took me to her house.

Now let's find my mate.

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