Chapter II: Yue Means Moon, and Ruhkadia Means Passion?...

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As the gentle breeze of the afternoon swept through the school courtyard, Xiaoyue gazed at Shiva, who was peacefully napping on the bench. The calmness of the moment was interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Xilly and Leslie had returned from their break, giggling about some shared secret.

Xilly noticed Shiva resting and whispered to Xiaoyue, "Is Shiva okay? They seem really tired."

Xiaoyue nodded, "Just a bit dizzy. They needed a break. Let them rest, they'll be fine."

The bell signaling the end of the break echoed through the air, prompting students to return to their classrooms. Xiaoyue gently shook Shiva awake, "Ruhka- Shiva, time for class."

Shiva blinked, adjusting to the bright light of day. "Thanks, Yue," they murmured, rubbing their eyes.

As they walked to the classroom, Shiva glanced at Xiaoyue, curiosity shining in their eyes. "Hey, Yue, why do you call me Ruhkadia? What does it mean?"

Xiaoyue hesitated for a moment, crafting a plausible explanation. "Oh, Ruhkadia? It means passion. You're passionate about your art, your dreams, and everything you do. It just felt like the perfect name for you."

Shiva tilted their head, a thoughtful expression on their face. "Passion, huh? It sounds nice, but I've never heard of that name before."

Xiaoyue shrugged casually, masking the truth. "It is a unique name, just like you."

The trio entered the classroom, and the lesson resumed. Professor Yggdviel jumped right into a discussion about ancient civilizations and the influence of gods on mortal realms. Meanwhile Xiaoyue couldn't help but steal glances at Shiva, who was now scribbling something in the pages of their notebook again.

As the class continued, Shiva nudged Xiaoyue, "Hey, Yue, do you ever wonder about those dreams I have? The upside-down castle and all?"

Xiaoyue hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Sometimes, but I figure it is just a strange quirk you have, Dreams can be mysterious, you know?"

Shiva nodded, though a hint of uncertainty lingered in their eyes. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just strange how vivid it all feels."

Xiaoyue offered a reassuring smile, hiding the concern in his heart. "Do not think of it too much. Maybe it's just our minds playing tricks on us. Focus on the present and what makes you happy, like your art."

Shiva returned a small smile, appreciating Xiaoyue's warm and comforting words. Little did they know, that Xiaoyue was even more worried about it than they themself.

The classroom buzzed with discussion, but Xiaoyue's mind lingered on the unspoken secrets and the shared dreams that bound them together, oblivious to the unfolding destiny that awaited the trio in the chapters yet to be written.

Professor Yggdviel adjusted the focus of his lecture, delving into the mysterious kingdom of Balgron. He paced in front of the class, a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

"Now, I believe it's time that we move from Strega and Liseltania to, Balgron for the day," Professor Yggdviel declared, writing the name on the board. "Balgron, situated on the border between the southern and northern realms, boasts a landscape that is nothing short of extraordinary."

Xiaoyue listened intently, his gaze flickering toward Shiva, who was fully engaged in the unfolding history.

"Unlike any other kingdom, Balgron is characterized by a diverse terrain, featuring deep canyons, towering volcanoes, and mystical geysers," the professor explained, gesturing towards an illustrated map projected on the board. "But what truly sets Balgron apart is its people - shapeshifters."

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