~ HUGS ~

112 9 35

Prompt: Jihoon finds Junkyu distressed and crying over harsh fan comments. He comforts Junkyu, reassuring him that mistakes are normal and that he's loved.

"Babe, you know what happened today?", Jihoon said while eating dinner sitting on the dining table, but stopped when he got no response from the other one sitting opposite to him. "Babe?.. are you listening?" He tried to get his attention. But when he saw him thinking about something deeply and got no response even after calling him several times, he increased his tone. "Yah- kim Junkyu."

This time, the younger came back into reality and responded to his call."Huh?..yeah- What were you saying?"
"Are you ok? Where is your mind wandering? Did something happen?", Jihoon asked worried as he was not looking well and he didn't touch his food at all.

"No, I am fine. Just a little tired." the younger replied. Jihoon knew that he was lying as he had been like this for several days. But he didn't want to pressure him. That's why he let it go.

"Alright, then finish your food quickly. Then you can go to the room and take a rest. I'll take care of the rest."
"Um- I'm actually full. You sure can manage?"

"Yeah, don't worry about that."
"Then.. I'll go to our room and get some rest. You come quickly too." Junkyu tried to smile, then he got up from the seat and went sty to the room.

After Junkyu left, Jihoon also got up, he cleaned up everything and washed the dishes. While doing it, he kept thinking about Junkyu. He knew something was going on, but he couldn't ask him directly. Junkyu never hid anything from him. So, if he is not saying this time, then probably he was not ready for it or he didn't want Jihoon to worry about it. Jihoon would not worry much if Junkyu's situation wasn't this bad. He was hurting and Jihoon could say that. As much as he wanted to know the reason, he didn't want the younger to get hurt as well. After finishing up all of the chores, he also went to the room.

"Ready for bed, babe?" Jihoon asked seeing Junkyu sitting on the bed looking at something on his phone.

"Yeah, I just need to wash my face," Junkyu answered looking at him.

Jihoon walked over to the bed and sat beside Junkyu "OK then, finish up quickly. It's late. We should go to bed." "Ok." The younger answered answered shortly putting his phone on the bedside table. Grabbing his towel he went straight to the bathroom.

After making sure that he locked the door well enough, he sat down on the bathroom floor and started sobbing while hugging his knees. He tried not to make any noise so that it didn't draw any attention or the older. He was going through a lot for the past few weeks. Continued practice and not having enough rest was making him so tired but he was still trying to keep up with everything as he liked performing and most importantly he loved his fans. But his hard work didn't pay off. Treasure had a concert a few days ago and he made a tiny little mistake. It was not that serious but he was getting so much hate for no reason. Though other members told him that it was ok and it was not a major mistake but the hate comments from fans were affecting him so much both physically and mentally. He was feeling worthless for that. Moreover, he felt like he ruined their performance with that tiny mistake and this guilt was making the situation even worse.

After 30 minutes, when Jihoon noticed that Junkyu didn't get out of the bathroom, he decided to check on him, "Kyu..babe, you have been in there for quite a while, is everything ok?" Jihoon knocked softly.

"Yeah," Junkyu said wiping off the tears. "Hold on, I'm just um- brushing my teeth." Junkyu lied. He stood up and turned on the faucet to make it sound like he was actually doing it.

"Ok. Try to finish quickly. I'll be waiting for you on the bed."

"Yeah I'll be quick.", he tried to sound as normal as possible. He opened the door slowly after finishing up, trying not to make any sound, thinking Jihoon might have slept already. But as he got out of the bathroom, he saw that Jihoon was still awake and typing something on his phone while lying down on the bed, probably replying to fans' comments.

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