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The story is based at Rajasthan,the biggest State of India where the monarchies still exist.The Jaipur Royal family ,the Kachhwahas are one of the biggest monarchies of Rajasthan.Abhyansh Singh Ranawat succeeded his maternal grandfather and ascended the throne at the age of 16.He is also the king of Business and Underworld.

19 Years Ago


The Jodhpur Royal Palace was full with chaos of celebration as the Queen had given birth to a girl child,the princess of Jodhpur,after many years.Ranveer, son of Prithvi and Meena who is 9 yrs old was every happy as he got a little sister whom he could take care of.
The King of Jodhpur,Prithvi Singh Chauhan,and the King of Jaipur,Uday Pratap Singh Ranawat are good friend's since childhood.Prithvi invited Uday and his family at the occasion of naming his daughter.

Soon the Royal Family of Jaipur arrived at the Jodhpur Palace.They were welcomed by Prithvi Singh Chauhan and his wife Meena Chauhan.Prithvi took his friend in a tight hug .Then he and Meena took the blessings of Pratap Singh Ranawat  and his wife who his father of Uday and whom he see like His own father.Then he saw Abhyansh who was 6 yrs old and said ,"He has grown so much,I had last seen him when he was 3yrs old",and caressed his head.

The naming ceremony of the princess started,The princess was named Guaravi Kumari Chauhan.
After the naming ceremony was over and the guests had left,both the families sat in the hall and talked on some random topics and enjoyed the evening with the tea.The men talked about business while the women were chatting on random topics and the children were playing in the garden.Ranveer and Abhyansh are very good friends.
Gauravi was in her cradle and Meena was taking care of her.
"She is so cute and adorable" said Mrinalini while caressing her.Out of the blue Pratap Singh Ranawat proposed that he wanted Gauravi's hand for his grandson,"I want your daughter's hand for my grandson Abhyansh".Prithvi and Meena looked at each other and then at him with  bewilderment written on their faces,then Prithvi composed himself and said ,"We want time to think about this propsal".

At Night,
Prithvi entered his room and saw Meena was caressing Gauravi's head and was putting her to sleep.After Gauravi slept,she put her into her cradle and looked towards Prithvi and said,"I don't want her to go away from us,just now she came into our lives,I don't want to send her away from me,I will not be able to accept this proposal."
"I know my love,but it is for her own good,it is safe for her if she is married to Abhyansh,there she will be safe no one will harm her moreover one or the other day she has to go away from us to someone other house and family,it is better to send her to a family which is known to us rather into an unknown family."said Prithvi to his wife.
" I know about this but for now I want her to be with us.Moreover the Ranawat's follow their traditions and culture, they have great beliefs and they do not want to change their traditions and customs,they are very strict with their customs and follow them no matter what.We do not have that rigidity of tradirion and customs here.If she is married to Abhyansh she too have to follow all the customs some of which are un agreeable like the daughter-in -laws of their house do not have a say and opinion in any of the matters until and unless asked from them.I do not want her to marry in that family,I do not want to send her away now."

After a lot of reasonings and questions she was convinced and she agreed to the proposal of marriage.The next morning at the breakfast table Prithvi said,"We agree to your proposal but she will be with us till she completes her studies."
The Ranawats agreed to this condition and from that moment itself she became his bethroted,Abhyansh's bethroted.Her fate was tied with him from the time she was born.

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