Chapter 7

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"Then where are you taking me and does bhaisa know about it?"

"He doesn't know about where I am taking you but he knows that you are safe with me"Abhyansh spoke in his husky voice.

" Please inform bhaisa otherwise he will get angry and maa sa and bapu sa will also get tensed."

"They know me well and will not get tensed as they have faith and trust in me so do not take tension and enjoy the ride"

Abhyansh took a left turn,the road was very silent and deserted,not even a singal human being could be found there except them.They were at the outskirts of the city,it was a very sandy road as if a road of a village.

"Where are you taking me ?" Asked Gauravi
"Have patience and enjoy the ride we'll soon reach the destination.

Umm,Do you want to eat something,like are you hungry as I have noticed that you were not having the dinner properly,your plate was almost empty and you were not eating anything,infact you barely ate something."

"No,I am not hungry,please just complete this ride and take me back to the palace I want to be in my room and take rest."said Gauravi.
Gauravi just completed her sentence when her stomach made a sound which indicated that she is hungry.
Her face became red due fo embarrassment and she was cursing herself.
Abhyansh chuckled and said," Your words do not match your stomach, so lets go and fill your stomach"

After some time a very big and luxurious restaurant came into her views.She was awestruck by the structure and marvels of the restaurant,it was a restaurant as well a hotel owned by Abhyansh.It was one of his best hotels from the chain of hotels he owns.
The structure of the hotel was very marvellous and beautifully designed.
Gauravi was awestruck as she did not go to the restaurants even when she came out with her brother.Ranveer always used to take her to their regular cafe and so she did not had a chance to see or visit the restaurant,especially a marvellous structure like this as cafe was a very simple and cozy place and there were not many known or rich people there only the common people used to visit.

Ranveer always used to take her to their regular cafe and so she did not had a chance to see or visit the restaurant,especially a marvellous structure like this as cafe was a very simple and cozy place and there were not many known or rich people ...

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Abhyansh pulled the car into his personal parking area,came out and went on her side and opened her door and held his hand out for her.
Gauravi came out of her trance and asked,"Why did you brought me here?"
"I got you here as you are hungry and its my one of the best restaurants so ma'am will you please give me the pleasure to take you in" said Abhyansh and cocked his eyebrow and held his hand in front of her.
She took his hand and he took her into the restaurant.The porter opened the door and they entered into the restaurant.Abhyansh directly went into the personal area.They sat face to face,the waiter brought the menu card and Abhyansh forwarded it to her.
She was confuses at first as Ranveer used to order at the cafe as She didn't knew much but then she took the menu card but could not get the names of the dishes and was having a very hard time comprehending the dishes with the stylish names.
Abhyansh was studying her facial expressions after he gave her the menu card and got to know that she is having problem while comprehending the names and infact is confused as what to order.
He called the waiter and ordered him to get punjabi chole and stuffed kulche and Mexican Katori Chaat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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