Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV(A/N: before reading make shure to support me on Patreon for exclusive content, the link is on my Wattpad home page)

                                          I woke up to see I'm in a Hut, I then sat up and said "man, next time don't name so many at once". Someone then said "oh, Lady (Y/N) your finally awake" I looked to see a tall goblina bombshell................................wait..............................I don't remember seeing tall goblins and I certainly would have remembered this lady. I then said "yes I am" she then patted my head and said "it looks like your feeling much better right now, hold on I'll fetch elder Rigurd for you" She then left and I thought "ok, I certainly would have remembered her so something is up" someone then entered the hut and he said "lady (Y/N) I'm so happy you finally recovered " I recognized the voice as Rigurd so I turned to him and said "Rigurd, ok so who was.....that........girl" I looked to see a tall buff goblin and I shouted "Who the heck are you!?" He laughed and said "it is I Rigurd" I couldn't believe my eyes so I said "but weren't you just an old man?!" He replied while flexing "indeed, before you gave us all names" I was shocked and I said "I de-aged you?!" He replied while still flexing "when a monster given a name it raises there rank and makes them evolve into more powerful like this handsome devil you see here" now the inner Gilgamesh is kicking in because I laughed and said "how amusing, that explains why you all were so excited, Hahahaha!". Then the wall to the hut broke to reveal Ranga as he just crashed threw the wall. He then said "master your awake!" He looked bigger and the same besides the horn growing from his head, he then said "allow me to express my upmost joy that you finally recovered!" He was wagging his tail and I said "hold on, judging by the star on your head your Ranga right?" He replied "yes" he then wagged his tail so much it caused a mini tornado that destroyed the hut.

Once outside the whole village picked me up and threw me in the air cheering, while they were doing this I got a look at all of them and they all growned, I saw buff Rigurd, then Rigur who looks like a guy in his early twenties, and Gobta who looks exactly the same, well I guess they can't be a winners. I then thought "I know Rigurd said they evolved but come on they look completely different" Great saga then said "the male goblins have evolved into Hobgoblins and the female Goblins have evolved into Goblinas " I then looked and saw the the Goblina from before and once I got a closer look at her she must be Haruna, man she won the evaluation lottery! Once that was done me and Ranga went to an open Field and I asked "Hey Ranga, your the only Direwolf I named so how come the others evolved as well?" He answered "an excellent question, it's because all of us direwolfs act as one entity. You see in our pack we're all connected therefore my name has also become our clans name" I then looked at the other wolfs and said "I'd see so you all evolved under a shared name, interesting " he replied "corrected, we are no longer called the Direwolfs, we're now the Tempest Wolfs" I then thought "huh, did I actually make a new breed of dog, got to look into this later" . I then said "tempest wolfs, that sounds great" he then wagged his tail too hard again and it sent me rolling down the hill but I did learn he can change size now so that's new. We then gathered everyone and I summoned a throne using my treasury and I said "silence" once I said that everyone went quite and I said "as you can all see we are one big happy family right now and I order to preevent complications I think we should set a few ground rules" Everyone then said "Rules?"

I sighed knowing I have to explain this to them, I then held up three fingers and I said "there are three rules, 1. No attacking humans, 2. No fighting amongst yourselves, and 3. No belittling other races, and that's it" they were confused then Rigur raised his hand and said "ma'am" I replied "yes?" He then asked "is there a reason why we aren't allowed to attack the humans?" Rigurd then said "how dare you question him!" I then said "calm down, it was a valid question and it's simple really it's because I like them, that's all" Rigur then said "ok then makes perfect sense " I was confused by that but given how happy he was I paid it no mind. I then said "and another thing is humans always live in large groups and if you mess with them they might retaliate against us and so on and so on, plus it's more beneficial if we get along with them rather have them as an enemy, now are there anymore questions?" Gobtia then said "me!" While raising his hand and I said "what's up?" He then asked "when you say don't belittle other races, what's that mean?" I then explained "it's simple, you got stronger so don't let that power go to your heads and when they get stronger they will do the same to you so it's easier to not do so in the beginning " they seemed to understand it which is good because I really don't want to go threw that here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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