Part 10

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Jack's POV

I felt weak, I closed my eyes but even thought I was half unconscious, I could feel myself draining away. Stupid girl. If she wouldn't have been an idiot and gone near the flames, she wouldn't have gotten fire into her body. Stupid, stupid girl.

I heard muffled voices that I assumed was my friends and Elsa's. I felt them pick me up and put me on an infirmary bed, that was when I felt myself lose sense on reality.

A few hours later

I woke up from darkness with a splitting headache and I could hardly move. I tried to sit up, but I felt something move next to me. Elsa.

I groaned, but I couldn't call them, I might wake Sleeping Stupid. (A/N Really Jack? That's the best you could come up with?)

I ruffled my hair and heard the door begin to open, so I pretended to be asleep so I could eavesdrop on what would happen. Hey don't judge, I think saving a girl gives me more than enough reason t o listen to what might be happening.

"Why do you think Jack saved her?" I heard Hic's voice question. I got an answer right here Hic. 'cause I'm a spy. I'm not gonna let innocents die.

A/N Yeah, sure.

What's that supposed to mean?

A/N You'll see

Whatever, you're just in my imagination.

A/N No, you're in MY imagination. No more interuptions, back to the story.

Wait, wha-

I have no idea of what just happened, and I don't care, I'm just trying to listen in.

"Well, Jack and Elsa are two of the last ones that hold the ice element. He cares for her." Kristoff stated. I really wanted to scoff and defend myself and build up on my reasons, but I felt Elsa turn over and she lay her head on my chest.

My heart stopped for just a minute as she gripped my hoodie, but I was soon able to breathe probably, "we should probably leave them to rest. We'll come back when Mike is healed so they can rest separately."

Oh I get it, the infirmary was filled up.

I heard the door close and I slowly began to open my eyes when I felt something wet soaking through my shirt. I looked towards my chest and saw that Elsa was crying gripping my hoodie tightly.

"Mother. Father." She whimpered in between sobs. I don't know what made me do it, but I put my arms around her and pulled her closer to me.

"It's okay." I whispered to her gently kissing her forehead, "No one can hurt you here." I promised put my chin on her head.

Elsa's POV

The scene in my head then went black. Then I started to hear voices calling from the darkness. I gulped and tried to run, but I slammed into a wall. I backed up slowly but y back hit another wall. My eyes widened and I tried to reach for the wall's edges, but my hands smashed into a roof.I was in a bow. No no no no. I... I have claustrophobia and OCD.

I hate small spaces. I locked myself away for a while, but OCD, that's a different story. I got to get out of here. I thought and started to panic. I could hardly breathe as I pulled at my hair trying to find a way out.

"This will always be your life Cold. Always locked away. Always feared." A voice laughed from the darkness.

A little slot opened and I saw a pair of green eyes and freckles. I sighed in relief, until I saw the fear and hate in my sister's eyes.

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