Plane Tickets

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(Y/N) didn't know what to do. How the hell did she end up with Jake's phone? Her heart pounded in her chest and her stomach felt like it was all the way in her feet, she wanted to throw up, get off this moving bus and just puke all over the ground. Could she get in trouble for this? What if they thought she took it on purpose? Would she go to jail? Would this get on the news and she'd forever be known as the "crazy fan who stole Jake Sims phone"?

So many questions and possibilities ran through (Y/N)'s head faster than the bus was moving and it was making her dizzy. She held onto the phone with a death grip, staring at the screen expecting another message from someone or a call from someone to ask what happened to the phone but nothing was happening. Did they even know that she had his phone? Did he have her phone?

(Y/N) sat in her panicked state for the rest of the bus ride back to her home town. She quickly exited the bus, wanting to get home as soon and as quietly as possible so that hopefully her sister and parents wouldn't hear her come inside so that she wouldn't have to explain to them what happened. The walk home from where the bus stop is was about 30-ish minutes, but with the way she was walking, she would probably cut it down to 15 minutes. It was already dark outside, and (Y/N) could hear the crickets chirping, as well as the cars passing by a few roads down. It would've been the perfect night to go out to the park and stargaze.

The phone buzzed in (Y/N)'s pocket, breaking her from her deep thought. She jerked it out of her pocket as it kept buzzing and looked at it.

Caller ID: JayJay!

(Y/N)'s heart leaped out of her chest as she slid the answer button and held the phone up to her ear. She prayed that they would understand what happened and that they wouldn't be angry at her.

"Hello?" Jay's voice was deeper than when she had talked to him at the meet and greet. It made her stomach turn.

"Hi uhm, it's (Y/N) from the fan meet listen I-" He cut her off quickly and she stopped walking to focus.

"Yea I know it's you, the one who came to see us for her sister?" He was being sharp and it made (Y/N)'s face burn, almost like she was about to cry but she couldn't. "I don't know if that's the true story, but I need you to give Jake's phone back before I have to tell our manager why he isn't answering his calls."

(Y/N) sighed, "Listen to me, I didn't mean to take Jake's phone I didn't even realize that I had it until I was on the bus back to my town. We were talking during the meet and greet and got carried away so I left my phone on the table and when your guy's staff decided to grab me by the arm and drag me away I didn't realize I had grabbed the wrong phone." By the end of her rant, (Y/N)'s voice was more stern, it pissed her off that he would talk to her like that after being so nice to her face. He was silent on the other end of the line and she could hear the faint hum of a vehicle. "Why are you calling me so late now anyway? Surely you noticed that he had the wrong phone 2 hours earlier." She began walking again, "Do you have my phone?"

The other end of the line is silent besides hushed mumbles she can barely make out because of the bad service and then some shuffling happens and she hears a different voice.

"Hey I'm sorry about Jay, he didn't let me fully explain what happened before taking out his phone and calling my number" Jake's voice was soft and gravely, like he had just woken up a few minutes ago. "It's okay, I'm so sorry I grabbed your phone I thought it was mine" By now (Y/N) was on her street and she could see her house at the end of it. All the lights were off, meaning everyone was most likely asleep.

"I have your phone, your sister texted you but I don't think you'd want me replying to her" (Y/N) smiled, "I have a passcode on my phone anyways, you wouldn't be able to get in silly." He began to say something but cut himself off and (Y/N) took the chance to speak again.

"Your mom texted you, she said Layla misses you, is that your little sister or something?" She turned into her driveway, and made her way past the garage to get to the side gate that would lead to her back door. Jake laughed on the other end of the phone and (Y/N) pursed her lips, turning down the phone's volume.

"Layla's my dog, but she's like my child" (Y/N) smiled again, carefully twisting the doorknob open so that she wouldn't wake up Honey, who would bark his head off if he heard the door open.

"That's sweet, but anyways, how are we gonna get our phones back to each other?" She snuck through the laundry room, into the kitchen, and past the living room, where Honey was lying on his dog bed placed right underneath the tv stand. It was his safe place so he slept there every night like a rock.

"Uhm, well we're in Brisbane right now, what about you?" (Y/N) nearly choked as she listened to what he said, she rushed herself into her room and closed her door, making sure to lock it. "Brisbane? That's so far! I can't get there by bus or tram without it taking a whole day." She dropped the phone on her bed and picked up her earbuds, connecting them to the phone so that she could walk around while talking to Jake.

"I can buy you a plane ticket, or rather you buy one from my phone." (Y/N)'s brows furrowed as she opened her closet to look for a t-shirt. "Are you serious? I just met you and you want to trust me with having access to your phone and your credit card info?" She rolled her eyes, pulling a white shirt from her closet and pulling off the one she had been wearing all day.

"Well no, but how else are we gonna do this? I can't tell my manager about this it's the third time I've lost my phone this past month" How the hell does someone lose their phone that much? "Well, if you really need to keep it a secret from your manager then give me your passcode" (Y/N) sat down on her bed and grabbed the phone, typing in the passcode as Jake said it. From there on they discussed plane tickets and prices, eventually settling for a round trip that would leave her in Brisbane for four days. Jake offered to let her use his hotel room since he would be staying with his parents instead.

Now all she had to do was come up with a lie that her parents would actually believe. Especially since the flight leaves tomorrow at 5am. She sighed softly, Jake was no longer on the phone with her, since they had arrived at his parent's house maybe 30 minutes after Jay called his phone. They had traded numbers, so now she was texting him on his own phone acting as if it was hers. It was odd, she felt like if she opened the wrong app or went snooping too much she'd find something she didn't like. Hopefully Jake didn't snoop through her phone, not that she had anything to hide but still. It would be weird if he found her middle school pictures from 2017.

Jake (from my phone smh) 11:03 pm 'Tell them ur going on an emergency business trip, u have a job right?'
(Y/N) 11:04 pm 'Yes I have a job, but it's not important enough for me to be called on an emergency trip.'
Jake (from my phone smh) 11:04 pm 'Well still try it.'
(Y/N) 11:06 pm 'Send the pictures i took today to my sister, her name is (S/N)' 'Don't look thru my camera roll tho'
Jake (from my phone smh) 11:09 pm 'Why would i ever do that??'

(Y/N) ignored the last message, now busy packing a suitcase for this "emergency work trip". She had no clue how she was going to tell her parents about this, but she knew she had to. After all, it was her fault that the phones got mixed up.

A knock was heard from the other side of (Y/N)'s door, and she went to unlock it. She was met face to face with her mother and she swallowed hard.

"I didn't hear you come in! How was the fan meeting thing?" She smiled and hugged (Y/N), but spotted the suite case laid out on her bed behind her with clothes in it.

"(Y/N) what's going on?" She asked, walking over to the bed and sitting next to the suit case staring at it confused. "Are you leaving us? When did this happe-" (Y/N) smiled and cut her off.

"Mama, no, I'm not leaving you guys" She took in a deep breath, she hated lying to her mother but she knew she would just cause more trouble if she told her mom, who would inevitably end up gossiping it to her sister and her friends. "I have to go on a business trip, they called me while I was on the bus home, something happened at the headquarters in Brisbane so they need extra employees up there for a few days."

(Y/N)'s mothers expression was skeptical, but nodded her head and stood up. "Well, as long as you're back by the weekend, I guess it's okay. Don't forget your school computer. I don't care how busy they make you, you should still be able to get all your assignments done!" Her mother ranted about school and (Y/N) smiled, relieved that her mother believed her. She still felt guilty, but at least her mom didn't pick and prod at her for the sudden event that she just threw on her.

Her mother said goodnight to her and (Y/N) finished packing, before going to bed herself. She had a long day ahead of herself tomorrow, and honestly she's never been to Brisbane before, it would be a whole new setting and she would have to be out there for four days. Hopefully it wouldn't be too bad.

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