chapter 7 - awake

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"hey im alive!" some guy spoke, he was relieved 

"wait didint i get stabbed..?"

"oh well idc, now wheres that guy n' guyina???"

*to that guy and guyina*

"bruh ur so bad at sonic 3" guyina scolded that guy

"nah i just need to lock in"

"YOU SAID THAT LAST TI-" guyina stopped.

"hi guys im backk" some guy exclaimed

"i.." that guy is SHOCKED

"i thought u DIED"

"nah im build diff hehhah" some guy replied


"what?" says the confused some guy *LOL*

"aaaaanyways i think i know the guy who stabbed you.." guyina spoke

"and it may be a old friend of mine....."

CHAPTER 7 + 1 COMING TO THEATERS 34th OCTUSTVER 900 BC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ugh i recently had the idea of animatin this but idrk ehhe

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