Chapter 1

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Life in the allspark was peaceful. No fights, no wars, and no aching pains from fighting. Just the peace and quiet that had been long overdue.

Alduin spent his days aiding Primus where it was needed but, for the most part Alduin spent his days sleeping. On some occasions he would find himself reminiscing about his days with the Prime team missing the chatter from the young kids who keep the team high spirited on their bad days. While he found them annoying, he never did regret having them there. Especially when he had grown a closer friendship with Miko, who spent her time with Alduin under the console that Ratchet worked at. The young girl would go on and on about her troubles in school as well as her troubles at home. It didn't take Alduin long to figure out that her home problems were the cause of her school problems. Jack had always been cautious of Alduin, of course Alduin never blamed him. After a while though the boy let his walls down and gave into the fact that Alduin was there. Over time the boy came to the canine for advice on the smallest of things, which Alduin supplied with joy and Jack took the advice with an open mind. As for Raf, the little boy had admired Alduin since the day he met him. Always asking Alduin questions about his kind and what he was capable of. Raf was always eager to learn more about Alduin and the others within the base. When it came time to leave earth and head back to Cybertron, it was a painful parting, especially since Alduin knew it meant the end of his time with the team. He'd left some unforgettable knowledge with the young humans, and they'd left him with moments and memories he'd never forget.

All though, there always seemed to be memories he felt he was missing from his time with team Prime, no matter how long he spent thinking about it he could never seem to find the answers. When this first occurred, Alduin tried asking Primus for help, but the god simply shook his companion away. After some time, Alduin learned to stop asking, which only left more questions. Today was one of those days. Alduin was going over certain memories of his time with team Prime. Suddenly those memories came to a halt. As if a piece was missing. A grey area. How he wished he could clear it out so he could see. It was nagging at him, pulling at the back of his processor. He was so lost in his thoughts he was absent to the fact that one of Primus's minions was standing in front of him. Alduin's right ear, which was once scarred but now fully healed thanks to the allsparks affects, twitched in annoyance. When he felt a tap on his enstrill, he shook his helm slightly. His vision clearing to see the small white and beige colored mech. Alduin sighed heavily as he pulled his audio receptors back slightly.

"Cloudstreak, what are you doing here disrupting me..."

Alduin gave the small mech an irritated expression to show he was unhappy about this distraction. The small mech seemed to jump slightly at the sound of Alduin's voice echoing through the wide-open space. 

"P-Primus has asked to s-see you. Says it's important and cannot wait."

Alduin rolled his optics as he stood up stretching his body. He slowly made his was down the perch he was laying on. As he stood beside Cloudstreak he looked down at the small mech. Cloudstreak just looked up at Alduin in fear. 

"Aren't you going to go see him?"

"Aren't you his advisor that was sent to get me?"

"Oh! Right...yes. Right this way." 

Alduin shook his head as he followed the startled mech. Alduin didn't need Cloudstreak to show him the way to Primus, Alduin knew where he was. It was one of the few gifts Alduin had when it came to his role with Primus. He also knew how Primus worked, when he sent someone for Alduin it meant that bot had to return as well, not just come back after Alduin. 

It wasn't a long walk until they got to Primus, when Primus spotted Alduin, he let out a deep gut laugh. 

"Alduin! My dear friend! How've you been?"

"The same as always Primus."

"I hope you aren't causing too much trouble and are taking the time to rest up after you time aiding me."

"I have been sir." 

"Good, that's good to hear. Very good to hear."

"What is it you needed me for sir?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot."

Primus looked to the others that where nearby seeing they were watching the twos conversation, eager to hear what the mighty Primus was to tell his well trusted canine friend. 

"Everyone is dismissed. I will call for you all to return to helping me later."

As everyone left Cloudstreak stood idlily by Primus and Alduin before he jumped at the sound of Primus clearing his throat. He looked up to see Primus and Alduin looking down at him. 

"That includes you as well Cloudstreak. I will call for you later."

Cloudstreak quickly scurried out of sight as to not anger the great Primus. Once there was no one in sight Primus loosened up. He sighed in relief feeling the weight of his job in the Allspark. He turned to Alduin and placed a servo on the canine's shoulder pad.

"My dear friend, I'm afraid I have a great task to ask of you."

Alduin tilted his head to the side as he looked at Primus seeing a troubled look on the mighty god's faceplate.

"What is it, Primus?"

"I fear that I must cut your time here short."

Alduin took a step back his optics widening in shock. It was all quickly taken over by anger.

"What do you mean cut my time here short?"

"Relax now dear friend. I wouldn't make any decisions if it wasn't for a good cause."

"No! I've spent years! Centuries! Trying to clean up a mess that you couldn't have been bothered to fix on your own! Now here I am finally at peace and you're telling me, I have to give it up for something else now!" 

"I know it sounds bad, and I wouldn't have picked you if I felt someone else could handle this but there isn't. You are the only one I see fit enough to handle this task. you have to trust me old friend. Once you're finished you can return to you spot here in the allspark, I promise."

Alduin glared at Primus, the purple in his optics a darker color from his anger. There was silence as Alduin fought with his own thoughts. Primus could see the angered canine was going back and forth on it. After a few minutes Alduin let out a low growl as he straightened his stance the rich light purple color returning to his optics. 

"What is it you'd have me do."

"There's been some sort of disturbance on Earth, I felt it earlier and it didn't seem good. Of course, my feelings and suspicions are never solid unless proven true or false. I need you to return to Earth, I have a central area where this disturbance was. I need you to do some scouting and figure out if it's true or not." 

Alduin looked hesitant as he looked at the ground for a moment shaking his helm. 

"And as soon as I'm done, I get to return?"

"Yes, the moment you finish it's back here to spend your days resting."

"I hope I'm not making the greatest mistake of my life." 


Alduin jumped through the opening of some trees as he hid in the brush. He could see a roadway and railroad tracks. He heard the horn of a train and the frantic voice of someone speaking. As Alduin looked around to try and spot where the voices came from, he slowly stepped out on to the road. As he walked near the tree line, he spotted a train fly past him on the train tracks. Alduin stopped to watch the train pass. When he looked back towards the where he was walking, he saw a pair of headlights coming towards him. Before he could get out of the way he felt a wave of pain wash over him as he opened his optics again to see he was laying on the road. The headlights shining down on him before he blacked out. 

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