Chapter 3

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I'm trying to go off script more than many other fanfics do, I hope you'll find it okay. I want to have a little more freedom to try to flesh out characters and the relationships more.

Xiao feels a hand land on his shoulder, and he is met with concerned green eyes.

"Hey, are you okay? You've been in your own little world for a while now." Yuu speaks softly. The adeptus in question blinks and quickly glances around the empty room. The doors that were previously wide open were shut with the masked man and Grim seemingly gone. Yuu perks up a little to find Xiao back to reality.

"So like, apparently that was the headmaster that you almost knocked out?" Yuu chuckles nervously, "I made him wait outside the library for us, because you didn't look like you were feeling fine. I understand that sometimes the best thing is just a quiet place that's away from all the stress, yknow? Um, yeah.." Unsure emerald eyes look away at the lack of reaction.

A few moments go by before Xiao computes what was being said and his tense expression relaxes a tad.

".. Thank you but please don't worry about me, I can handle myself." the yaksha replies with appreciation, "I'm ready to go now."

Golden eyes are forced to squint at the brightness the freckled man radiated. Yuu grins happily and retracts his hand from the shoulder.

"Well, no time to lose! Literally, I think this headmaster guy sounds impatient." Yuu grimaces then opens the library doors to the mentioned headmaster leaning against the wall.

The bird masked man startles before straightening his posture with a cough. The feathers adorned on the shoulders ruffle up as if they were apart of him. The magical cat from before was held like a basketball on the headmaster's side, squirming and gnawing at the cord he was still tangled up in.

"Ah, the two missing students! My, you were very eager to make your debut. It's almost like the very notion of patience eludes you!" The crow speaks with a smile and an open arm, not acknowledging the previous predicament. If you look close enough though, a bead of sweat rolls down the side of his cheek.

Golden claws where fingertips should be motion the duo to follow. The headmaster then turns heel and starts walking further down the hall to the way they came from. Clacks of heels echo in the halls once more, now accompanied by a voice and two other footsteps.

"To bring an untrained familiar as well, a violation of the school rules... No matter, the orientation has already begun so to the Mirror Chamber we go!" Crowley scolds while glancing at the struggling beast.

Xiao and Yuu look at each other with annoyed eyes. Yuu takes the initiative, "The mirror chamber?"

The crow glances back with a hum, "You awoke to a room full of gates, did you not?"

"You mean coffins?"

"No, not coffins, those were gates! All students of this campus arrived by passing through those gates, though they usually have enough restraint to wait for me to open them before waking up. Honestly! There was no reason to damage school property like that. Fortunately, I'm gracious enough to dismiss the-"

Xiao glares daggers into Crowley's back and interrupts, "Where are we?"

Crowley pauses, "Oh, you haven't regained consciousness yet? That explains things... Well, these things happen, I suppose."

They enter the courtyard that was only briefly seen due to the chaotic chase. Yuu takes the chance to take in the surroundings more clearly. The interesting things to note were little. A lonely little well sat in the center, it was old but well maintained. The tree with apples speckled across the branches swayed in the night's breeze. The young ravenette suddenly was grateful for the gold lined robe.

A throat cleared before an explanation is given with a more chipper tune, "This is Night Raven College, the most prestigious academy for students with the rare aptitude for magic! Dire Crowley, yours truly, serves as the headmage! I have been entrusted with this academy's care by the chairman."

The headmage stops in front of big decorated double doors that held muffled voices on the other side, "Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic is admitted to this college. The same people are summoned here by gates which can appear anywhere, a carriage should have come to meet you holding one."

Crowley turns his head to the door with an eye twitch and frown, "Now, I believe that is enough questions for now. You need to attend your orientation. If you'll excuse me..."

The masked man shove open the doors with more force than needed and yells, "I most certainly did not!"

'This man is insane..' was Yuu and Xiao's synchronized thought.

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